Personal Identity Digital Timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    On this day I was born at the Endeavor Health Swedish Hospital in Chicago, Illinois
  • My little brother was born

    My little brother was born
    On this day, my little brother was born in the Ascension Resurrection hospital.
  • Moved In

    Moved In
    This was the day I moved in from my apartment to my house. I still continued to go to the same school. I was begging to get a house with stairs back then but now that im grown up I wished I hadnt lol. I also met one of my best friends there, brenna who lives right next door. We lost touch after covid but we still talk sometimes.
  • My last winter sing

    My last winter sing
    Winter sing was a concert at my old school where all of the grades and classes sing different songs and then at the end all sing a song together
  • Disney World

    Disney World
    This was the first time I went to disney world since covid. it was really fun but there was a lot of things that were baricaded because of covid the year before.
  • My 8th grade graduation

    My 8th grade graduation
    I graduated at my elementary school, Norwood Park on this day with my 3 friends
  • Joined the TAFT photography camp

    Joined the TAFT photography camp
    I joined the TAFT photography camp that year before I went to TAFT. When I was there I met one of my best friends.
  • First day at TAFT

    First day at TAFT
    my first day at taft was pretty cool because it was the first year of high school. It was pretty hard to get there from my house because I live closer to the varsity campus so I was 15 minutes away.
  • Joined Varsity singers

    Joined Varsity singers
    First day I joined the varsity singers club at TAFT and by the end of the year I ended up being the only freshman left.
  • Varsity singers star spangled banner

    Varsity singers star spangled banner
    In the varsity singers on this day we went to the gym and before one of the basketball I think teams played a game we sang the star spangled banner. I only had 2 days of practice because I was absent but I got it.
  • Halloween

    This year for halloween, I finally convinced my friend to dress up because she never did the halloween holiday. We just hung out at school and went home when it was done. We dressed up as Veronica Sawyer and Heather Duke for halloween.
  • REVERBERATE festival.

    REVERBERATE festival.
    My group the varsity singers and the other group of concert choir I think were invited to perform at the reverberate festival where different choirs and bands from schools perform.
  • Moulin rouge

    Moulin rouge
    For my birthday in 2024, I went on a trip with my friend Una to milwakee to see the musical moulin rouge. It was an amazing musical and by far the best one that I have seen live so far.
  • Universal

    This year I went to universal for the first time and it was so fun. I went on many rides but not so many roller coasters because I dont like roller coasters that go upside down. I went on a few water rides which got me and my family soaking wet.
  • Naples

    After I went to universal for a day, my parents wanted to go on the beach in naples so we got a hotel through the costco deals that was on the beach and it was pretty fun. I got a really big sunburn because its really hot in florida.
  • Block Party

    Block Party
    At my block party this year, I invited over my friend Kalianne Chea. We baked cookies together and walked around and played song quiz on an alexa. My other friends came over after, Brenna, Una and Andrea and we all hung out around my house and around the block.
  • Halloween

    For halloween this year me and my friend decided to wear matching outfits of one of our favorite book characters from the book the cruel prince. I was a character named Jude Duarte and she was a character named Cardan Greenbriar. We went trick or treating afterschool and had fun.
  • Mean girls

    Mean girls
    over thanksgiving break, I went to see mean girls the musical, one that I had been waiting years to see. It turned out to be not so good because they didnt change the background much as they did in the broadway version and the sound was kind of broken.
  • Ice skating

    Ice skating
    I went ice skating with one of my friends on this day. She doesn't know how to ice skate so it took us a while for her to learn but she started to learn. I am probably going to do it again with my whole friend group soon. We went to the sugar factory after and got flavored and colored sugar in a tube.
  • Winter concert

    Winter concert
    I had my winter concert at taft on this day. It was a really fun day because of all the people who had these decorations and the fun songs. My group sang 30 second merry christmas, stopping by the woods, and an all together sing along winter wonderland.