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The bourgeois revolutions
Are so called because it was the bourgeoisie (an economically prosperous social class made up of merchants, artisans and liberal professionals) that defined the spirit of these revolutionary processes, and they are important in economic history because with their triumph new institutions of society were created that were conducive to the development of the capitalist mode of production in substitution of the feudal social order and mode of production. -
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Napoleon Bonaparte
He was a French military officer and politician of Italian origin born in Corsica who rose to fame during the French Revolution and led successful campaigns during the revolutionary wars. -
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Victor Hugo
He was a French Romantic poet, playwright, and novelist, considered one of the most important in the French language. He was also a committed politician and intellectual, influential in the history of his country and 19th-century literature. -
Napoleonic Wars
Were a series of armed conflicts that took place between the First French Empire under Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte and a fluctuating series of European coalitions. They were partly an extension of the conflicts that broke out in the wake of the French Revolution and many of the French Revolutionary Wars, and continued, at the instigation and with the funding of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, throughout the First French Empire. -
Restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France. Louis XVIII takes power.
Louis XVIII restoration to the throne in 1814 was affected largely through the support of Napoleon's former foreign minister, Talleyrand, who convinced the victorious Allied Powers of the desirability of a Bourbon Restoration. -
Collapse of the Napoleonic Empire.
Napoleon Bonaparte was finally defeated by the British General Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo, in Belgium, in June 1815, and abdicated in favor of his son, Franz Charles Joseph Bonaparte, proclaiming him Napoleon II. -
Reorganization of the map of Europe.
The victorious states of Waterloo spearheaded a reorganization of the European map. The United Kingdom, Russia, Prussia, and Austria organized Europe's borders and divided up different territories. The main victim of the Congress of Vienna was France, as its pre-1792 borders were reestablished and it was surrounded by a series of buffer states, small states that already existed or were created specifically to prevent further French expansionism. -
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Industrial Revolution
It is the process of economic, social, and technological transformation that began in the second half of the 18th century in the Kingdom of Great Britain, which spread a few decades later to much of Western Europe and Anglo-Saxon America and concluded between 1820 and 1840; and which followed the commercial revolution. During this period, the greatest set of economic, technological, and social transformations took place.