Birth of William Jennings Bryan (Free Silver, Cross of Gold Speech, 1896 Election, Scopes Monkey Trial)
Period: to
Pony Express
Period: to
Presidency of Abraham Lincoln
Period: to
American Civil War
Period: to
Dakota War (Indian Wars)
Period: to
Navajo Long Walk (Native American Removal)
Period: to
Reconstruction Era in the American South
Period: to
Credit Mobilier Scandal
Period: to
Sherman's March to the Sea
Period: to
Black Codes in the American South
Period: to
Presidency of Andrew Johnson
Period: to
Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson by House of Representatives
Period: to
Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant
Period: to
Second Industrial Revolution - United States
Period: to
The Gilded Age
Period: to
Grant's Whiskey Ring Scandal
William "Boss" Tweed Arrested (Tammany Hall)
Period: to
Red River War (Indian Wars)
Period: to
Battle of Little Bighorn - Death of Custer
Period: to
Presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes
Period: to
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Birth of Margaret Sanger (Birth Control Activist / Planned Parenthood)
Period: to
Presidency of James A. Garfield
Period: to
Presidency of Chester A. Arthur
Edison's First Commercial Power Station Opens (Electricity)
Period: to
First Term of President Grover Cleveland
Native American Prophet Wovoka Creates "Ghost Dance" Movement
Period: to
Presidency of Benjamin Harrison
Period: to
Homestead Strike (Labor Dispute)
Southern Horrors: Lynch Law In All Its Phases Published by Ida B. Wells
Period: to
Second Term of President Grover Cleveland
Period: to
Pullman Strike (Labor Dispute)
Period: to
The Progressive Era
Period: to
Presidency of William McKinley
Period: to
Spanish American War
Period: to
Philippine American War
Period: to
Boxer Rebellion (US Intervention in China)
Period: to
Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
Period: to
Anthracite Coal Strike
Period: to
Roosevelt's Great White Fleet
Period: to
Presidency of William H. Taft
National Association Opposed to Women's Suffrage
Period: to
US Occupation of Nicaragua
Period: to
Presidency of Woodrow Wilson
Period: to
US Occupation of Veracruz (US & Mexico)
Period: to
World War One
Period: to
US Occupation of Haiti
Period: to
Punitive Expedition to Mexico
Lafayette Escadrille - American Volunteer Pilots
Period: to
Bolshevik Revolution and Russian Civil War
Period: to
US Intervention in Russian Civil War
Period: to
"Spanish" Influenza Pandemic
Period: to
Meuse-Argonne Offensive
Period: to
Paris Peace Conference
Period: to
Red Summer of 1919 (racial violence)
Period: to
Prohibition Era
Tennessee Representative Makes Final Vote for Women's Suffrage
Period: to
Presidency of Warren G. Harding
Period: to
Harding's Teapot Dome Scandal
Emergency Quota Act (anti-immigration)
Period: to
Tulsa Race Massacre
Period: to
Presidency of Calvin Coolidge
Period: to
Presidency of Herbert Hoover
Period: to
Great Depression
Period: to
Mexican Repatriation (Hispanic Deportations During the Depression)
Period: to
Dust Bowl
Period: to
The Holocaust
Period: to
FDR's New Deal Programs
Period: to
Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Period: to
Spanish Civil War (& American Volunteers)
Period: to
World War Two
Eagle Squadron - American Volunteer Pilots in Europe
Period: to
Japanese Invasion of the US-held Philippines
Period: to
New Guinea Campaign
Period: to
Bataan Death March
Period: to
Aleutian Islands Campaign (American Campaign)
Period: to
Solomon Islands Campaign
Period: to
Battle of Guadalcanal
Period: to
Second Battle of El Alamein (North Africa)
Period: to
Operation Torch - Allied Invasion of North Africa
Period: to
Allied Invasion of Sicily (Operation Husky)
Period: to
Allied Invasion of Italy
Period: to
Tehran Conference
Period: to
Marshall Islands Campaign
Period: to
Mariana Islands Campaign
Period: to
Battle of Guam
Future President George Bush Sr. Shot Down In Pacific
Period: to
Operation Market Garden
General MacArthur Returns to the Philippines
Period: to
Battle of the Bulge (Europe)
Period: to
Yalta Conference
Period: to
Battle of Iwo Jima
Period: to
Battle of Okinawa
Period: to
Presidency of Harry S. Truman
Period: to
Potsdam Conference
Period: to
Nuremberg Trials
Period: to
Tokyo War Crimes Trials
Founding of Levittown (Racially-Integrated Suburb)
Period: to
Berlin Airlift
Period: to
Red Scare (McCarthyism)
Period: to
Korean War
Period: to
Battle of Inchon
Period: to
Battle of Chosin Reservoir
Period: to
Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Execution of the Rosenbergs (Atomic Spies)
Period: to
Space Race
Period: to
Vietnam War
Period: to
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Period: to
Presidency of John F. Kennedy
Period: to
Bay of Pigs Invasion (US Intervention in Cuba)
Period: to
Freedom Rides (Civil Rights movement)
National Farm Workers Association (NFWA)-- Becomes United Farm Workers (UFW) - Led by Cesar Chavez
Period: to
Cuban Missile Crisis
Shootdown of U-2 Spy Plane Over Cuba (Cuban Missile Crisis)
Period: to
Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson
Johnson's "Great Society" Speech - "War on Poverty/Inequality"
Period: to
Operation Rolling Thunder
Period: to
Selma to Montgomery March (Civil Rights movement)
Period: to
Watts Riots
Period: to
Siege of Khe Sanh
Period: to
Tet Offensive
MLK Jr's Last Speech - "I've Been to the Mountaintop"
Period: to
Presidency of Richard M. Nixon
Period: to
Apollo 11 Mission - Moon Landing
Period: to
Operation Linebacker - Bombing of North Vietnam
Period: to
Watergate Scandal
Period: to
Operation Linebacker II - Bombing of North Vietnam
Period: to
Incident at Wounded Knee (American Indian Movement)
Period: to
Presidency of Gerald Ford
Period: to
Presidency of Jimmy Carter
Period: to
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Period: to
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Period: to
Iran-Iraq War (US Involvement)
Period: to
Presidency of Ronald Reagan
Period: to
US Invasion of Grenada - Operation Urgent Fury
Period: to
Iran-Contra Affair
Period: to
Presidency of George H. W. Bush
Period: to
US Invasion of Panama - Operation Just Cause
Period: to
Operation Desert Shield
Period: to
Operation Desert Storm
Period: to
1992 Los Angeles Riots
Period: to
US / UN / NATO Intervention in Bosnia
Period: to
Presidency of Bill Clinton
Period: to
Operation Gothic Serpent - Black Hawk Down Incident
Period: to
Operation Uphold Democracy (US Intervention in Haiti)
Period: to
OJ Simpson Murder Trial
Period: to
US-NATO Airstrikes in Yugoslavia
Period: to
Presidency of George W. Bush
Period: to
War in Afghanistan (Global War on Terror)
Period: to
Operation Enduring Freedom
Period: to
First Battle of Tora Bora
Period: to
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Period: to
Second Battle of Fallujah
Period: to
Great Recession
Period: to
Presidency of Barack Obama
Period: to
US-NATO Intervention in Libya
Obergefell v. Hodges (Legalization of Gay Marriage)
Period: to
First Term of President Donald Trump
Period: to
Presidency of Joe Biden
Trump Withdraws From Paris Climate Agreement for a Second Time