Chinese Head Tax
The Chinese head tax began in 1885 after thousands of Chinese people immigrated to Canada to build the Canadian Pacific Railway. After it was finished Canada decided there had been too many immigrants. To reduce this issue they imposed a $50 head tax, equivalent to over $1000 today. This was implemented until 1923 when Chinese immigration became illegal until 1947. This was a huge decline for Canadian history. The Government formally apologized for the head tax in 2006. -
Reasonable Accommodation for Religious head ware
Baltej Singh Dhillon applied to be an RCMP officer in 1988. However, the Uniform did not accommodate his Turban. Baltej thought it was not right for him to have to compromise his religion for his country. After consulting the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Human Rights Act, the solicitor general ruled in favor of this being a reasonable accommodation. Till today Sikh officers can choose to wear their turbans.