
  • 19 BCE

    Rome takes spain

    after the second punic war in which rome took part of spain they decided to take the rest in the year 19 BC. This is important due to it being the first major event.
  • 500

    Visigoths take over much of spain

    After the fall of the roman empire the visigoths kicked out the romans and took most of the land in spain and making their own kingdom. The visigoths changed the religion to christianity. The architecture that the visigoths used had tall buildings and lots of arches
  • 711

    Moors invade and name spain al-andalus

    In the year 711 the moors invaded spain from the strait of gibraltar. The moors had again changed the religion the the muslim culture but had christians and jews pay a tax.The moors had introduced cotton and other crops to the iberian peninsula
  • 718


    After the moors had taken most of spain but leaving a small place for the visigoths who started to take their land back during a series of wars called the reconquista. The reason for the moors not being able to keep the visigoths back was the fact that al-andus had in fighting going on. This was also the time when the visigoths started making their kingdoms
  • 1137

    kingdom of aragon is formed

    This happens when there was only the state of granada left to take and most likely helped with that final push to take spain back. It was later united with the other kingdoms excluding portugal to make the country of spain. Fun fact this kingdom was named after its ruler.
  • 1139

    kingdom of portugal is formed

    The kingdom of portugal took up most of the west coast of spain. Portugal it the only kingdom that kept its name after becoming a country in the iberian peninsula. Portugal also allowed for more and easier sea travel.
  • 1469

    Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon are married

    The marriage of isabella and ferdinand soon was used to unite their 2 kingdoms as well as offering the other kingdoms but portugal declined. This act of 3 kingdoms being united gave them a political advantage against the moors final cities. After they had pushed out the moors they had started the spanish inquisition.
  • 1478

    Spanish inquisition starts

    The spanish inquisition was used to clear out all non catholic people and even if jews or muslims converted people were sent away or killed. Many old torture devices were used and invented during the spanish inquisition such as the knee splitter and the spanish lader
  • 1479

    The Kingdom of Spain is formed when Isabella and Ferdinand are made King and Queen