Spanish history

  • 500

    Visigoths take over parts of Spain

    Visigoths take over parts of Spain
    -Visigoths take over much parts of Spain
    -The Visigoths, a Germanic people, established a kingdom in Spain (Hispania) after initially settling in Gaul (present-day France) and eventually expanded their territory to include much of the Iberian Peninsula
  • 711

    Moors invade

    Moors invade
    -African army, under their leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from northern Africa and invaded the Iberian peninsula 'Andalus'
    Moors invade Spain and name it "Al-Andalus"
  • 801


    -The Reconquista was a series of wars in Portugal and Spain
    -Christian forces from North of Iberian try to take over Spain
    -Christians beat the Muslims
  • 1469

    Royal wedding

    Royal wedding
    They got married in the city of Valladolid; Isabella was 18 years old and Ferdinand a year younger. Most scholars generally accept that the unification of Spain can essentially be traced back to the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella.
  • 1478

    The Spanish Inquisitions begins

    The Spanish Inquisitions begins
    -A period of religious persecution, primarily targeting Jewish "conversos" suspected of secretly practicing Judaism and other perceived heretics, lasting for over 300 years.
    -Also targetted non christian people
  • 1492

    Spanish Exploration

    Spanish Exploration
    -Spanish wanted to explore North America looking for "wealth beyond the sunset"
    -Spanish was motivated by the 4 Gs "gold,god,glory and geography".
  • 1492

    Recquista ends

    Recquista ends
    -The Recquista started by the battle of Covadonga in about 718 when Asturias engaged the Moors, and it ended in 1492, when Ferdinand and Isabella (the Catholic Monarchs) conquered Granada.
  • War of Spanish succession begins

    War of Spanish succession begins
    -Triggered by death of childless Habsurg King Charles the ll in of Spain in 1700
    -War was ended by Philip of Anjou winning