Oct 12, 1492
Columbus' Arrival in the Americas
Once Columbus arrived in the Americas, European colonization was the result. Europeans brought new ideas, technology and practices that then the Native cultures adopted. Although colonization was a benefit it also was a conflict resulting in clashes between the two and the competition for land. Identity was also loss when Native Americans were forced to live like the Europeans that had power after conquering land. This disrupted their cultural practices, spiritual beliefs as well. -
Syphilis Epidemic
In the early 1500s Columbus and his crew contracted syphilis from the Native Americans bringing it back to Europe. This disease resulted in many deaths after people took fatal treatments -
Smallpox Epidemic
This epidemic led to a huge fall in population of the Natives due to the lack of immunity they faced to smallpox. Since many communities of Natives were wiped out from smallpox like tribes, the identity of theirs were lost having no one to carry out the way their tribe lived and for the ones who survived they were forced to live in ways other cultures lived loosing the tribe's identity eventually. Smallpox -
Forced Conversion to Christianity
Natives were forced to convert to Christianity after Spanish missionaries made an effort to do so. Due to this they had to abandon the spiritual beliefs their tribes have formed all together. -
Introduction of European Livestock
Europeans introduced animals like cattle, pigs, and horses to the Americas. Although horses did originate from North America, they were then in other continents due to the split which is the reason why they were reintroduced. These animals significantly helped Natives by transforming the way they did Agriculture and also in general of their daily lives. For example, horses allowed great distances to be traveled.European Livestock -
The Introduction of European Crops to Native Societies
The European settlers brought seeds and cuttings of plants in order to grow Old World crops like wheat, barley, grapes as well as coffee in fertile soil they found in America. They also brought citrus fruits to the Americas. Due to the benefits on peoples health and the tasty taste, they then became apart of Natives diets. This caused a shift on the Natives Agricultural practices due to having to perform differently since these were new crops they weren't used to growing. -
First enslaved Africans arrive in Jamestown VA
In late august of 1619, the first enslaved Africans arrived in Virginia being disembarked at "Point Comfort" which is now known as Fort Monroe. About 20-30 landed there. Then these Africans were traded in exchange for supplies. Article on First enslaved Africans arriving in Jamestown -
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Legal codification of slavery in English colonies (1640s-1660s)
Laws in Virginia and Maryland solidify African slavery as a lifelong, hereditary status which distinguished African American slaves from other servants like European servant. So, they made a law that took away the Africans rights and made them more like just objects than an actual human with rights. -
Virginia hereditary slavery law
This made children born to African American woman slaves for life. This law was passed due to confusion if a child was born to a white man and a enslaved woman. This cleared things up by making any child born with color a slave for life. -
Rise of the South Carolina Slave Economy
South Carolina was influenced by the slavery that was taking place in the Caribbean and their labor practices, So South Carolina became a major rice and indigo plantation economy reliant on African slaves. -
Artistic and Cultural Flourishing
The 1700s were a remarkable time for the arts. This included music, sculpting and painting. Some of the famous artists of the time include the famous composer Wolfgang Mozart. Mozart emerged, Revolutionizing music with his innovative compositions. -
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American Revolution
This era saw many political changes, Including the rise of democratic ideas. This period focused on individual rights and the separation of powers.