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Indian Removal Act
President Andrew Jackson made treaties with the Native Americans forcing them to move west of the Mississippi river and out of the southeastern states so that European colonizers could settle there. -
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Jim Crow
These laws enforced racial segregation between white people and black people in places like schools, restaurants, parks, libraries etc. -
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The Chinese Exclusion Act
This act was a 10 year ban on Chinese laborers immigrating to the US. Prohibiting both skilled and unskilled Chinese immigrants from coming in to America. -
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Tulsa Race Massacre
Groups of white people killed more than 300 African Americans and by the end of it, they left more than nine thousand African Americans homeless. This was all due to the heightened jealousy from white people because of the success of the Black Wall street area. -
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Chicano Movement
The Hispanic community whose focus was on combating racism and advocating for political and social empowerment. -
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Japanese Internment
Almost all Japanese Americans were forced to leave their homes and live in internment camps during the war because of racial prejudice against Japanese Americans. -
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Zoot Suit Riots
Violent fights between American servicemen men and Mexican Americans because of their "zoot suits" these attacks were targeted because of racism and prejudiec against Mexican Americans -
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Red Power Movement
Movement by the Native Americans to govern themselves and demanding for more control over their land.