Westward Expansion

  • The Louisiana Purchase

    On April 30th, 1803, the United States bought Louisiana from France for 11.25 million. The United States also agreed to take the French debts that cost around 3.75 million
  • Lewis and Clark

    President Jefferson appointed Meriweather Lewis and William Clark to lead the expition on the newly purchased Louisiana territory so they could find a way to the pacific ocean on the way they met a shoeshine women her name was sacajewea this journey had many good effects on the us as they found a path through the rocky mountains followed along the colombia river the the pacific ocean and in the end they were also able to claim oregon territory.
  • Population Rise

    When new land became available for settling, people moved westward. In 1800, the population west of the Appalachians was 387,000; by 1820, the west's population had exploded.