Annexation of Sudetenland
A few allies and Germany signed a pack that officially sanctioned German annexation of the Sudetenland.
(https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/life-in-nazi-occupied-europe/foreign-policy-and-the-road-to-war/occupation-of-the-sudetenland/) -
Island Hopping
Skipping over heavily fortified islands in order to seize lightly defended locations that could support the next advance.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mwIN0DvB0I) -
Pearl Harbor
Japan unexpectedly attacks the military base of Pearl Harbor and drags America into the war.
(https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/topics/pearl-harbor-december-7-1941) -
The Philippines
The Japanese attacked The Philippines before American forces had fully amassed and were ready for the war.
(https://www.dvidshub.net/video/806296/liberation-manila-wwii-documentary) -
The Guadalcanal campaign, also known as the Battle of Guadalcanal was an Allied offensive against forces of the Empire of Japan in the Solomon Islands
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbVc6rVUdXo) -
Japanese Internment Camps
Camps America made to contain Japanese Americans in fear of spies.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI4NoVWq87M) -
Battle of Midway
US troops at sea and on Midway attacks the Japanese air fleet, forcing the Japanese to abandon the battle and retreat.(https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/battle-midway) -
Nazi Germany and its Axis allies attacked and became locked in a protracted struggle with the Soviet Union for control over the Soviet city of Stalingrad
(https://www.britannica.com/video/Battle-of-Stalingrad-fighting-Germans-Allied-Victory/-18896) -
Los Alamos
One of the couple site the nuclear bomb was worked on.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axkQ4UjTc8M) -
The Allied forces storm Normandy beach to take back France
(https://www.europeafrica.army.mil/DDay/videoid/928206/) -
Meeting at Yalta
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin made important decisions regarding the future progress of the war and the postwar world.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybnzMnFEWJY) -
Period: to
Fall of Berlin
The biggest Russian army to ever be grouped attacked Berlin leading to its fall.
(https://study.com/academy/lesson/video/victory-in-europe-the-battle-of-berlin-the-downfall-of-the-nazi-regime.html) -
Death of Hitler
The death of Adolf Hitler ended the war in Europe and freed Germany from a tyrant.
(https://www.britannica.com/video/War-surrender-Europe-Germany-May-1945/-194180) -
The Potsdam Conference
The Big Three—Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and U.S. President Harry Truman—met in Potsdam, Germany
(https://www.britannica.com/video/Overview-Potsdam-Conference/-194273) -
One of the two major cities in Japan were bombed