Yonck Innovation Timeline

By mattyb3
  • Clynes' "Sentograph"

    Clynes' "Sentograph"
    This machine was intended to measure emotion based on an active physiological response. There was an immovable button where the machine he built could measure the waveforms of changes in finger pressure. He was seeking to measure emotions based on this invention. https://research.cs.queensu.ca/home/roel/publications/ICMC95Sento.html Through reading this article I found that this was not just made to detect emotion, but to also express that emotion musically, which is so intriguing.
  • Picard's "Affective Computing"

    Picard's "Affective Computing"
    Rosaline Picard in studying how to get a computer to analyze pictures well found that humans analyze pictures with emotions. Upon this she began exploring how emotional intelligence could be implemented into computers. Despite mixed opinions from people, where some were supportive and some were dismissive, she was able to create some "emotive technology" and created "Affective Computing".
  • Clippit/Clippy

    Clippit or "Clippy" was created to be a virtual assistant, but quickly became hated because it was overly helpful. To respond to this problem, Picard worked with Microsoft to create a squeezable mouse that would give emotional feedback to Clippy.
  • Picard and Scheirer's Galvactivator

    Picard and Scheirer's Galvactivator
    This device was made to measure and track skin conductivity on users through a glove-like device. LED lights were used to display which emotions were being felt, and this was used in a game called quake to make the characters being played respond with the emotions of the gamer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVsKErmv57E This is now being used for much less recreational purposes and is used to help PTSD, Sleep, Epilepsy, Anxiety, and Autism.
  • Ekman's "MicroExpressions Training Tool"

    Ekman's "MicroExpressions Training Tool"
    This tool was created to analyze the expressions of people. This was not just measuring macro expressions, but focused more on recognizing more subtle facial changes to detect their emotions. This was not fully comprehensive as of 10,000 facial expressions, only 3,000 relate to emotions in people. https://www.paulekman.com/micro-expressions-training-tools/ This tool is still being sold, but interestingly enough, it is no longer simply for emotional awareness, but also deception detection.
  • Use of existing used devices to measure emotions

    Use of existing used devices to measure emotions
    Our phones and devices use so much data from us already. If our phones could use the facial recognition sensors paired with smart watch biometrics, there could be a lot of possibilities with affective computing in the near future. https://emotionlogic.ai/the-future-of-feelings-wearable-devices-are-decoding-your-emotions/#:~:text=Accuracy%20Rates%3A%20Studies%20have%20shown,Data%20from%20a%20Smart%20Bracelet). This article talks about the possible use and effectiveness of these technologies.
  • Brain implanted affective computing

    Brain implanted affective computing
    In the future if emotions are studied more intensely to figure out exactly what needs to be measured to determine emotions, there could be brain implants to measure brain chemistry. If the right parts of the brain and analyze the brain chemistry of a person, a computer might be able to know exactly what emotion someone is feeling at any given time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fowCcdy3SFo This video shows how brain implants are getting more and more advanced and could approach emotions.