white setllers in rhodesia 125k
granted self gov in 1923 -
commonwealth established 1931
with the statue of westminister- gave dominions independence- way for brit to keep ties, politically and economically benefit from foremr ties, had to change the rules to allow more nations to join i.e. republics as many refused to acknowledge the queen i.e. india under nehru republic in 1949, joined -
MCA- malay chinese organ
a bunch of strikes from 1945-8
mca or mcp- malay comm party
reprsent in labour unions and strikes
chinese were encouraged by brits to come, work in rubber and tin, more came after civil war,
pop 38.4 and of malays 49.5 -
colonial development and welfare act 1945
expand agricultural produce and promote technology in colonies inorder to render them more [rpductive and profitable for the UK -
pan afrcn meeting 1945 manch
kwamae Nkrumah attend- left knowing where they were going, Du bois included -
1946 Burns constitution GOLD COAST
By gov general sir alan burns, new legislative council, 18 african and 12 british nominees.
power remained in british hands, saw need to give more freedom but not if it impaired british economic and political interests. -
Tanganyika ground nut scheme april 1946
april 1946- invested in area, plant alot of peanuts inorder to make oil and other commodities inorder to sell, no testing done before hand, ruined alot of the fertile land, not right conditions servely pissed of the people in the area, rise in discontent towrds imperialism.
Brit spent £49 mill -
united malay nat organ- fav malays created march 1946 -
UMNO- 1946 unitd malaay natiional organ
made b y leader ONN BIN JA'AFAR- counter the british made malay union 1946 -
Onn bin ja'afar
was the president of the UMNO from may 1946
drew on hostility of ruleer, organised rallies and gathered support
malaya deeply divided by race and ideology
faced oppost from mcp-chin peng
and tan cheng lock- chinese malay fiercely against comm
supportr include Tunku abdul rahman- becomes 1st prsdnt of malaya -
malay citizenship 1947 june
briit fav malay as opposed to chinese,
malay citizenship had to prove you can speak and write malay and english- discriminatory to the chinese pop which mad eup 45% of pop in 1957 dropped to 36% in 1961 -
Brit depend on USA
given 3.3 bill support through marshall plan, suscpetible to usa pressure, told to speed up decolonisation
changing internatinal politics, meant new supwerpwrs usa and ussr -
cohen report 1947
made by secrty of state for colonial office afr devision andrew cohen
declared decolon inevitable
set out map and route for gradual reforms which would permmit ind through democray and stability -
colonial development corporation 1948
co-ordinate major projects in colonies and to develop self sustaining agriculture and industry and trade -
brit, contact cmnwlth
survey done in 1948 shows how 1/4=25% of pop was in contact with a relative or acquaintance living in commonwlth -
brit nationality act 1948
gave all memebrs of colonies and commmonwealth british citizenship, ultimately gave them a passport and right to live in the Uk, this was in an attempt to get the whites to come back and work for the motherland in london transport and NHS, caused influx of migrants from carribean instead -
whites in full control, afrikaner national party won majority seats in 1948 begand implementing apartheid and defranchising the black population.- heavily repressed, opposition from Afric Nation Congr -
incredibly important, rubber and tin. sell for dollars, needed.
Huge naval base-strategic
1/3 pop, chinese, ethinic malays and indians. rise in tensions, -
BURMA indepen
wanted independence, Aun sang leader AFPFL- anti fascist ppls frdm league, collabd with Japanese to get rid of brit infl, Atlee decide get rid of Burma, not worth sending manpower there, jan 1947 agree elections for constituent assembly
afpfl- majority but infaction fighting sung and 6 ministers killed, spiral into civil war, brot left and their relation ended, they refused to join the commonwealth -
singapore given own government
1948- own self gov- lgsltv and executive council
high nb of chinese pop
6 of 25 seats on council elctd but only brits, 10% of pop could vote
struggled to maintain comm insurgency
enlarged legsltv counicl to 32 seats of which 25 were elcted, 300,000 ppl could vote by 1953
1st council dom by singapore progrs party- consrvt group favouring businessmen -
sir philip mitchel self goc not possble kenya 1948
the colonial administ announced that self gov not possible inn near future for the kenyas, angered the kenyans- esp the mau mau, started the insurgency in 1952 -
Period: to
malay emergency 1948-60
high commissioner murdered sir henry gurney
they restablished order in 1952
tried to placate all groups
promised malay indp and promised chinese MCA that interest would be protcd and some reprsnt in gov
mca and umna unite get 81% votes against brits- demand indp 1955 -
windrush 22 june1948
from kingston jamaica 492 immigrants coming, announced on broadcast, the colonial secretary said that they would have to land as they have passports but not to worry as they won't last the winter.
landed in tilsbury- east dock, atlee 'incursion' try to send the boat back, send these educatd ppl to work as farmersz in east afr. didn't work
had to house them, clapham.
11mps sent letter distress to atlee- destabalise peace in uk -
conventionfas people party made by Kwamae Nkrumah in 1949, demand more concessions he broke away from the UGCC- because they favoured gradual reform and he wanted immediate self rule.
the legislative assembly enlarged and so more ppl vote for cpp and nkrumah -
india join commmonwealth 1949 april
was a republic and so commonwealth had to change the membership rules to allow a wider range of regimes -
'programme of action' SA
supported by nelson mandela-
peaceful protesting- based on ganhi and satyagarah
he staged strikes and boycotts
defiance campaign -
asian immigr settle oldham, bradford
where there were old textile companies in need of cheap labour -
most immigr in london
half that came stld in lond, most were carribean -
pkstn, Ind immigr
most in birmighm 25,000
8000 manchs, 6000 liverpoor and leeds -
Nkrumah imprisoned
1950- inciting unrest and subversion, the cpp and him organised a series of boycotts and strikes, influenced by Gandhi's methids. called the positive action campaign. he was in prison until 1952 -
Nkrumah quote
India's success lit a fire in the heart of africans giving us hope and a blueprint for success -
Period: to
eagle boys comic
taught them not to portary foreginers as enemies or villans
shows a shift in imperialsit racist attitudes promotion of unity and tolerance -
positive action campaign
series of strikes and boycotts against imperialism, demand self rule 'now', campaign of non-violence, as per Gandhi's methods
8 jan 1950 started but he was imprisoned on 22 january 1950 -
macpherson constitution in NIGERIA 1951
expanded right to vote, made a ntaional council of ministers - 185 seat federal house of representatives
each region own gov and elective assembly
north dominated by Hausna and fulani- muslim
held together by pan africanism more so than a nigerian identity. -
fed of malay 1951
brit high commisnr head of state- held the real power
executive council- 7 official and unoficcial mbs
fed of malaya- council of 62 mbs rprsnt various states and groups
became electeed body by 1955
the state managed some of its own affairs -
Nkrumah released 1952
he was voted as leader by majority of the population and so had to be released in 1952. The CPP got majority votes- 2/3 of legislative assembly, burns had to put cpp in government inorder to quell rebellion.
He was released and made PM from 1952 -
mandela 'defence campaign' ldr
help fight against unjust laws
was inflncd by socialism was secretly on SACP comittee -
Period: to
Mau mau uprising
Mau Mau was a militant group compromised of the kikuyu people who were discriminated against by the british- they were farmers who owned the fetrile highlands which became known as the 'white highlands' attacked and killed a number of british officials- barring gov general- emergency- kill and target numerous people. killed between 30,000- 300,000 ppl, put them in camps. they took an oath to kill the whites- instilled fear in the white pop. -
central african federation made in 1953
Nyasaland- economically undevelpd country
north rhodesia- minerally rich
south rhodesia- large white sttle pop and agricul rich
brit try to combat SA infl in area, fear they would expand made the CAF to counter their infl.
Afr suspicious of brit intentions, rise of nationalism in all 3
whites imprisoned the nationalist leaderfs -
jomo kenyatta arrstd
toured kenya- promoting indp and unity,
mau mau uprising- meant he was accused of collab and arrst, sentenced to 7yrs -
CAF made by andrew cohen
nrth rhod
30k white settlers mostly copper miners wanted the same rights and freedoms as the white rhodesians -
nyasaland react to CAF
the national congress party emerge 1959
dr hastings baunda- led campgn end feder
governonr sir robert armitrage declare emergncy
imprison the ldrs 1300 mbs of congrss detained, 2000 imprisoned offcnce relatd to emergncy no trial
police officers round up activists killed 51 and injured 20 and nkata bay incident
denounced as overreaction by brits, illegal and unneccesary force -
brit rationing till 1954
cause migration in britain many leave in search of jobs- commonwealth, aust and nzlnd need workforce, from 1946-57 1 million brits leave -
Baghdad pact 1955
counteer sov infl inn me, egyot refuse to sign, pressure king hussein of jordan to not sign, fear threaten egypt power in m.e- shows egyp- brit hostility -
london transport 4000 new employees
1956, lots of jobs availabe there was no need to stop immigration, need people to fill up these jobs -
31 oct 1956 br and fr invade
condemned by un and usa
withdrawl within 5 days
countterproductive militarily and economic/ politicl destryd them , anger usa- eisnhwr not consultd
mixd opinion at home- 'save our boys' jingoistic patriotism among some, hatred of nasser
others condemn imperialistic agression
eden had to retire. -
suez canal nasser 47 sunken ships
counterproductive- the suez invasion
nasser blocked the canal and sunk 47 ships -
Apolo Milton obote
sth uganda, became nationalist figure, joined UNC ugand nation congr in 1956 -
29 oct 1956 protocol of sevres
israel to attack egypt
brit and france demand ceasfire next day and withdrawl of troops from suez, invade on 31 oct- premise of protecting suez -
EEC made in 1957
shows a shift in trade with empire, new commodities important. Brit refuse to acknwldg, made EFTA, to combat this and maintained their trade with empire -
made by brits combat the EEC- wanted trade with europe but not the political proposals proposed by the eec, which britain saw as a threat to its sovereignty. -
malaya= 45% chinese 1957
The reid commission malaya 1957
make a democratic constitution for independ malaya
brit kept a military presence nearby in singapore inorder to maintain and facilitate trade- the imperialism of decolonisation -
malaya indp 1957
onn bin ja'afar
tan cheng unitte against brit and commies, gain indp in 1957 -
mau mau insrgy end
took 5yrs, serious repression, state of emrgncy, put them in camps, those that refused to quite their oath sent ot hola camp, killed 11,000 and detained 81,000 but these were british numbers, acc nbs range from 150k to 300k -
under Nkrumah, who is to rule as a totalitarian figure, banned opposition and got rid of critics, but invested in ghana, made dams - hydroelectric power. was overrthrown in 1966 -
immigr by 1958
115,000 from caribbean
55,000- indian and pakistan
25,000- west africa
10,000 cypriots, civil war at time, 25,000 end up coming to Uk -
1958 teddy boy attacks
grwng hatred towards immigrnts- youth attacks, attackd black people , violent riots in nottinghill and nottingham -
the black ad whites ministral show
was super racist had white men using black face, very popular from 1958-1970s -
north west frontier- impr film 1959
although most cinema moved away from imperialist themes and beliefs some continued like
north west frontier-1959 showed brit prsnc in ind necsry, protect hindu prince from murderous muslim -
hola camp massacre
commandr forced 88 prisoners dig hole in mosquito infested waters, refused, beat up, 11 died and rest serious injuries.
east african journal reported and showed attrocities- said dieed from infstd water, but later truth shown, -
national service
obligatory, conscription started in 1939 ww2 and continued until 1960s, forced to go to malaya, kenya, suez, emergencies, contact with empire. -
birmigham immigration control associatn 1960
curb immigr from commonwlth immigrnt, stop them settling, part of wider mvmnt across england -
immigran attitudes feel brits
87% of jmcn feel brit before coming to engl and 86% want kids feel brits
inds 2% felt brit b4 cmng and 6% want kids feel brits -
continued infl of emp lang and sport
words like dingh and bungalow- hindhi
zombie and mumbo-jumbo- afr
aswell as infl from sport, cricket and rugby heavily established and important to commonwlth and brit -
SA protest reprsd 1960
69 killed sharpeville March 1960, protests organised by the pan african congress, 5000-7000 peaceful protestors went to protest against the restrictive laws against them and their movements near a police station in sharpeville, the police opened fire killing 69 people and wounding 180 ppl, international condemnation, strained brit relat with SA -
1st nations in cand vote 1960
the indigenous -
exports to europe higher than those to emp
nnamdi azikiwe- nigeria
helped found NCNC (igbo)- made ldr in 1948
had to work and negotiate, nigeria deeply divided, yoruba(action grp) hausna and fulani (npc),
secured indp in 1960 after he made treaty with NPC(national ppl congress) -
kenyatta elctd ldr of KANU
kenya african national union, he was electd prsdnt, while still in prison helped get him released- 1961
got out and started negotiating woth brits -
winds of change 1960
harold macmillan the PM of britain gave the speech
3 feb 1960 in capetown south africa
warned sa gov, that winds of change blowing through continent and like it or not growth of nationalism is a political fact
wanted to present demcolonis and indp as a gift but withdrawl was often bump and sped up due to pressure from nationalism -
nigerian independece 1 oct 1960
SA vote leave commonwealth 1961
the whites vote to leave commonwealth following brit condemnation of apartheid and of the sharpeville massacre -
malaya 36% chinese 1961
Umkhonto wesizkwe
(spear of nation)-militant group to fight the apartheid gov -
survey 1962
90% of britons agreed that it was necessary to curb immigration
80% said that there were too many immigrants in britain already -
commonwealth act 1962
meant to appease public opinion, based on a permit scheme, for afric and asians harder to obtain said permit thus less were supposed to come -
emp day abolished 1962
move away from empire and more towards eu- more benefits , fkights and holidays wiithin eu, americanisation and access to movies, political concerns with joining EEC -
lawerence of arabia 1962
more critical of empire -
apolo milton obote made gov general
by sir walter coutts- pm of indp uganda in 1962 -
nelson mandela left country
1962 gather support for his cause, got military training in ethiopia and morroco, returned in 1962 where he was arrested for leaving without a permit
sent for 5 yrs, follwng police raid of ANC- rivonia, sentenced 17yrs on robben island -
commonwealth dvlp corpor 1963
the former colonial dvlp corpor- became the commonwelth dvlp corp CDC
not all colonial schemes were a success, seen in tanganyika in 1946, abject failure
but some were particulary successful like malaya in terms of rubber and tin- crucial dollar earners -
result of cmmnwlth act 1963
only 35,000 came follwoing year,
but fear of not being able to return meant many settled well and sent for their family to join them- which was still permissible.
many supportd- public 70% in favour -
CAF disbanded 1963
New figures emmerge in each which led to the indp of Nyasaland as Malawi and of north rhodesia as Zambia in 1963 -
Malaysia federation
malay, singapore, sarawak and sabah all join to form malaysia
but singapore was expelled in 1965 due to racial tensions- high pop of chinese -
brit try join eec
vetoed by degaulle -
organisation of african unity 1963
co-founded by nkrumah , bring together newly indp countries to work together politically and economically to fight against apartheid and colonial rule on the continent -
kenya indp 1963
kenyatta became prsdnt, turned into a republic in 1964 and he was prsdnt for 14 yrs -
rivonia trial
police raid at ANC headquater of Rivonia, trial 1963 sentenced mandela and 7 others to robben island served 27years -
Kenneth Kaunda- indp Zambia-nrth rhodes
Kenneth Kaunda led north rhodesia to indep as zambia in 1964 -
Nyasaland inp as Malawi
Dr Hastings Banda led nyasaland to indp as Malawi in 1964 -
ceremonial prsdncy buganda king
replaced gov gen position, king mutesa head, but obote held the real power -
nrth rhodesia kenneth kaunda indp zambia
malawi- nyasland Dr hasting banda
Period: to
general elcetion 1964
immig huge topic
borough smetwick only 70,000 residents- 6k immigrants, highst nb of immigr per borough
peter griffiths consrv- used hatrd of immig to win 'if you want a n** for a neighbour, vote labour''
labour- condemn disgrace to democ
but public sentiment was clear
labour pass law stop chldr over 16 coming as part of family regroupemnt
reduced permits -
survey 1965 towards immigrants
1/5opposed to working with afr or asian
9/10 oppose interracial marriages
and 1/2 refuse to live next door to them -
1965 'till death us do part'
made by ALF GARNETT- racist meant to satirise immigrants, constant swearing of them
cult of followers -
labour pass race relations act 1965
try to appease and console everyone
made it illegal to discriminate in public but employment and housing were not included and incitement of racial hatred was not made a criminal offence -
race realtion board 1965
consider all aspect of race relations
could not get many witnesses and so of the 982 complaints 734 were dismissed- lack of evidence
many were against advrts as opposed to personal exprn and they were not well enough equipped to be dealing with that. -
incrsd assimil
turn brit to multi racial society, media- tv more black actors, emrgency ward 10 and 2 cars.
more asian corner shops and takeaways transformed british tastes -
aboriginals and tarres stait islanders aus 1965
gain right to vote -
South rhodesia rogue
White demand indp, with white minority in control, fear black domin, Declare indp with the UDI in 1965 11 nov- leader IAN SMITH- rhodesian front party.
caused condemn by UN and Brit who imposed sanctions -
nottinghill carnival createed 1966
sharing of culture, jerk rice and peas, music -trinidad band popular in pubs
but mostly still turning back on immigrants -
commonwealth office 1966
short lived- shows failures
functions transferred to foreign office by 1968 -
obote accsd steal gold
he suspended the constituion , made mutesa the king flee and made himself prsdnt- corrup
military in head of IDI Amin who staged a coup in 1971
but he was then overthrown by obote in 1979
led to civil war -
kenya immigration
jomo kenyatta wants a country that is for kenyans only forces asian kenyans to leave and so lots come to the Uk following the nationality act -
eec vetoe 1967
brit try join eec again vetoed by DeGaulle, brit finally relaise trade lay more with europe, more beneficial to join -
sterling devaluation
in an attempt to maye their goods more competitive, they devalued the pound, went down by 14%, lost confidence in the pound, reduced from $2.80 to $2.40 per us dollar
brit importing more than it was expoeting which led to a huge trade deficit
forced by IMF to devalue -
destroying old sterling area
the devaluationof the pound sterling desroyed the old sterling area as it weakened internatinal faith in the value of the sterling and hit at britains global pretentions -
South rhodesia declare republic
led to a massive civil war, was supported by SA- also white domination, eventuall independence as zimbabwe 1980 -
brit jon eec in 1973