The Chilean Silver Rush
Between 1830 and 1850 Chilean silver mining grew at an unprecedented pace which transformed mining into one of the country's principal sources of wealth. The rush caused rapid demographic, infrastructural, and economic expansion in the semi-arid Norte Chico mountains where the silver deposits lay. “…rich veins of silver and gold were discovered in the north” (65). This quote explains how silver was the first thing to get people rich -
Concepcion Earthquake
The Concepcion earthquake was a large quake that happened Feb 20 1835. It shook the cities of Concepción and Talcuahano in Chile which caused a huge tsunami which destroyed the Chilean coastline.”That was the year of the floods, which were immortalized in schoolchildren’s textbooks and in their grandparents’ memories. …which came like God’s wrath, finished destroying everything.”(38-39)The quote talks about how the quake and the flood has haunted the Chilean people for years. -
The Opium Wars
Opium Wars took place in the mid 19th century. The first Opium War was fought between China and Great Britain from 1839 to 1842. “In 1839, when the Opium War between China and Great Britain broke out. At that point the country was overrun with beggars. Masses of humanity poured from the countryside.”(200-201). This quote talks about how life was like during the time of the Opium wars and how people had to survive and wander around the streets of China being forced around with nothing. -
Treaty of Nanking
Treaty of Nanking was a paper that was signed on August 29 1842 and put an end to the three year First Opium War between Great Britain and China. “When the treaty of Nanking was signed, it was the final blow for the zhong yi. The emperor, and every citizen of China down to the most humble, was dishonored.” (202) This quote talks about how the treaty was signed China had been struck with many problems causing China to be overwhelmed with unequal treatments, and financial payments. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 is one of the most important events in US and Mexican History. This treaty was signed on February 2,1848 and ended the war between the United States and Mexico. “ The yellow pellet that unleashed the madness was found nine days after the war between Mexico and the U.S. had ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.” (145) The quote talks about how the Treaty settled the war over gold between the two countries. -
The Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush is considered by many historians to be the most significant event of the first half of the nineteenth century. On January 24 1848 Gold was discovered by James. W. Marshall at Sutter's mill in Coloma California. “There’s Gold everywhere, you can shovel it up, they say there are nuggets the size of oranges! Anyone can be a millionaire!”(144) This quote explains how finding gold could’ve changed a person’s life back then. -
California becoming a state
California became a state in 1850. It became the 31st state in North America. “In September of 1850, Tao was present at the noisy patriotic celebration when California became the newest state in the union.” California becoming a state was the best thing to happen to North America because it’s the best state.