
England 18th-20th (me studying, don't click)

By D. Dot
  • Period: to

    Demographic explosion (fueled ind° thx to cheap labour)

    x2 (from 2~6 M° to 21M°). By 1901: 37M°
    Linked to:
    - improvmt of medical knwldg
    - decrease of mortality
    - imprvmt of nutrition
    -> Malthusianism (Thomas Maltus) ~> moral restric°
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    Corn Laws

    To restrict foreign importat° in order to prevent wild price fluctuat°. Supporters wr mostly gentry (-> high tariffs on foreign corn)
    Hwvr, led to inflat° of price of bread and wr unpopular
  • Period: to


    1st imp PM= Lord Liverpool
    Faced post 1815 eco recess° (nat°l debt, ind in crisis, unemplmt of demoblzd troops)
    -> Corn Laws + high taxat° on basic items -> popular discontentment with 1 figr being William Cobbett (journalist)
  • Industrialization

    (better connotes speed)
    Fuelled by:
    - increase use of new basic materials: iron, steel, coal
    - inven° of new machines: James Watt's steam engine (for trains & boats), Cartwright's power loom, James Hargreaves' spinning jenny. -> Manufactures, in N of Eng
    - consumer rvl°
    - rise of mechnzd factory systm
    - dev in transport & communica°: "canal mania", railway mania
  • Period: to

    Exodus (rural -> urban)

    1801: urban ppl° of 34% of total
    1901: 78% Eng = 1st country to exp predmntly urban way of life. Had 5 biggest cities of world (London, Manchester, Liverpool, Burmingham, Glassgow)
  • Period: to


    = took place in indstrl citiies, skilled craftsmen attckd industrial machines
  • Report on chimney sweeps

    = boys ~6 y as they wr small (cld crawl up narrow chimneys), wr bought from poor families by master sweeps. Wr treated lk slaves (ie: to mk them crawl up their feet wr picked with pins/needles, or small fires wr started). They got many bruises, wounds & burns, & many got stuck in chimneys
    It created a shock to public who asked reforms
  • Peterloo Massacre

    Peterloo Massacre
    Happened during a peaceful mass regrpmt at St Peter's fields. Commoners asked for reform as only wealthy cld vote. A private militia attckd them
  • Factory Act

    Early 19th: 1/5 of factory wrkrs wr children < 13 (cuz little size & little pay)
    This Act prohibited emplmt < 9; children btw 9-12 wr to work only 12h a day
    Was for cotton wills only
  • Period: to

    Growing demand for electoral reforms

    The franchise wsn't a basic right. Brit was divided in 2 constituencies:
    - counties: own land/property worth certain £
    - boroughs: difts systms coming from customs & old trad° (Hs of Commons X reflect distribut° pplt° anymr; rotten brghs [few voters cld send 2 MPs, ie: Old Sarum had 2 MPs for 7 voters]; pocket brghs [~owned by 1 man])
    • new social forces: middle class + skilled wrkrs -> wt politcl reprst°
    • end N1 wars -> nat°l effort has to be rewarded
    • new ideas abt democracy
    • fear of rvl°
  • Period: to


    Imp social reforms wr implemented (rising fear)
  • 1st Reform Act

    • extended right to vote
    • reallocated seats in Hs of Cmmns
    - electorate rose only slightly (14% to 18%)
    - 5/6 adult male still X vote
    - most new voters wr middle-class (working class still without representat°)
  • Slavery Abolit° Act

    Slavery Abolit° Act
    1772: Mansfield case (proving that slavery is unsupported by Eng law, so techncly slaves in UK wr free)
    1807: slave trade ofcly abolished (only led to increase of illgl slavery + enslaved ppl wr still slaves)
  • Factory Act

    Prohibited <9 in factories
    9-13y: 8h a day
    13-18y: 12h a day
    < 13 receive elementary schooling
    Created "inspectorate of factories" to enforce regulat°
  • New Poor Law

    New Poor Law
    - reduce cost of looking after the poor (who incrsd)
    - encourage poor to look after thmslvs and search employment rather than charity (based on utilitarianism/Benthanism, by J.Bentham) Implemented:
    - poor relief supplied with workhouses (punitive approach as horrible places) Met widespread criticism. Created Anti-Poor Law mvmt led by Richard Oasther
  • Chimney sweeps Act

    Use of boys < 10 was forbidden. Hwvr, children continued to be used as not enough sanctions
  • Anti-Corn Law League

    Anti-Corn Law League
    Richard Cobden
    Campaign agnst the Corn Laws
  • Period: to

    Chartist Mvmt

    = most imp wrking class mvmt in 19th Brit. Rose from disaptmt of X vote for wrkrs. Influenced by Fr rvlt°
    "Chartist" cuz demanded implementat° of ppl's charters:
    - all men hv the vote
    - secret ballot
    - Parlmtry elect° every y, not every 5y
    - constituencies shld be of equal size
    - MP paid (wtd deputies from wrking class)
    - property qlfct° for becoming MP abolished This mvmt got weakened by internal divis°
    By 1918 (so long after) 5/6 demands got implemented
  • Condition of England

    Condition of England
    coined by Thomas Carlyle, "Chartism". Said that ind° led to degradat° of wrkrs: long hours, hard work, child labour, and esp deshumanzt°. To him Gov had to intervene or else the wrking class might rise up.
    Engels said that ind° rvlt° cld tk place cuz of exploitat° of weak.
    "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" C.Dickens, "A Tale of Two Cities"
    -> growing demand for soc reforms in 1830s-40s esp for child & women's labour (fed by anti-slavery campaign)
  • Newport rising (Chartists)

    Newport rising (Chartists)
    Lead by John Frost. 10K men gathrd & marched on city of Newport; goal was to ctrl city & free sm chartist mmbrs. 22 chartists died
  • "Report of the Children's Employment Commission", Lord Ashley

    Report on coal mining:
    - kids 5~6y: wrkd as trappers (=open "air shafts" in complete dark & silence)
    - kids >10y: wr drawers/drammers (=pull or push coal wagers)
  • Mines Act

    focuses on women & children
    Women and boys <10 cldn't work undergrnd Never got properly implemented as there was only 1 inspector for all Brit & Irish mines
  • Corn Laws repe(e)aled

    Corn Laws repe(e)aled
    By Tory PM, Robert Peel. "Conservative Party" split over:
    - protect°nists (with Disraeli, conservatives)
    - "Peelites" (with Gladstone, free trade supporters. In 1859, most join Whigs to create the Liberal Party) 1840s-80s: policy of free trade
  • Industrial Revolu°

    Industrial Revolu°
    = process of chg from an agrarian & handicraft economy to dominated by industry and machine manufacturing 1st used by Fr writers but coined by Arnold Toynbee
  • Great Exhibition

    Great Exhibition
    In London, Crystal Palace. To show off their power.
    UK was the world leading commercial nat°:
    1870: UK prod 1/3 of manufctrd goods in world
  • 2nd Reform Act

    passed by Disraeli
    Vote to part of urban male working class (1M° to 2M° voters)
  • 1870s = 2 clear pltcl parties

    1870s = 2 clear pltcl parties
    • Protect°nists= Benjamin Disraeli (1868-80) had 3 obj: defd nat°l tradt°l institut° (which he revered), preserve Brit Emp, introduce social reforms
    • Liberal party= William Gladstone (1865-94) was in favour of internat°lism, Free Trade, low taxat°, avoid wars
  • Forster Educat° Act

    = compulsory educat° for 5-13 y.o
  • 1872 Reform

    Introduced secret ballot
  • Period: to

    Public Health Acts

    • administrtv machinery to deal locally with issues of health & sanitat°
    • cmplsry medical officers in urban areas
    • local authorities r required to provide water, drainage & sewerage
  • Chimney sweepers' Act

    Recquires sweeps to be licensed + police had duty to enforce this legislat°
  • Period: to

    Consumer Rvlt°

    Deep chg of consumerism:
    - increase in nbr of consumers: cuz of demogrphc explos°, cheaper prod, wage-earning possibilities for women & children, incrs spending power, social emulat° (-> conspicuous cnsmpt° = to show ur wealth; T.Veblen)
    - chgs in distributive trades: "shopping as a pastime", departmt stores for higher classes =/= co-operative stores for wrking class; + advent of modern advrtsmt (Frederic Barratt)
    - greater variety of products
  • Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevent° Act

    Criminal offense to bribe voters
  • 3rd Reform Act

    passed by Gladstone
    All male property-owners cld vote (men in counties & boroughs had vote on same basis)
  • Sufragists - Nat°l Un° of Women's Sgr Societies

    Millicent Faucett; 100K mmbrs (women & men)
    - promote legal, non-violent, constitut°l methods: public meetings, marches, petit°...
  • Sufragettes - Women's Social Pltcl Un°

    Main un°, founded by the Pankhurts (Emmeline & her 2 daughters)
    - use violent, confrontat°l methods, often illegal ("Deeds, not words")
    - wt rebell° (//chartists)
    - violently repressed (ie: Cat & Mouse Act of 1913)
  • Period: to

    WW1 aka The Great War aka The Fair War

    • Eng was the only country relying on voluntary army (X trad° of conscript°) -> Lord Kitchener's New Army/"Pals battalions" which wasn't enough (soldiers + preparat°)
    • Women: voluntary, in non-combat roles: 1st duty was to convince men to enlist in the Army (by peer-pressure), took part in rat°ning & motherly activities, replaced men in factories/employment, worked behind the fires (cooks, typists, chauffeurs, mechanics...) in auxiliary corps
  • Defense Of the Realm Act (DORA)

    Defense Of the Realm Act (DORA)
    In 08 UK was ill prepared for war; but installed DORA which gv extrdnry emergency powers to Eng gov:
    - allowed suspens° of civil liberties (imprisonmt with X trial, censorship, tk any land/factory/workshop, food rat°ning).
    Cuz of it, X talk abt military matters in public spaces as fear spies
  • Creat° of the Departement of Informat°

    Creat° of the Departement of Informat°
    WW1 = 1st conflict in which techniques of prpgnda wr so used (to keep moral & as respns to enemy's prpgnda)
  • Representat° of ppl Act

    • vote to all men >21
    • vote to women >30 with property or married to man with property
    • women allowed to become MP -> size of electorate tripled (8M° to 21M°) with 43% being women
  • Creat° of Ministry of Infrmt°

    Creat° of Ministry of Infrmt°
    Under Lord Beaverbrook
    - films
    - posters
    - public meetings
    - pamphlets/periodicals
    - postcards
    - info to foreign newspapers
    - war artists & authors
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Ending WW1
    - tk full respblty for damages
    - major land concess°
    - army limited to 100K
    - pay extrmly large sum in reparat° to Allied Powers
    - 750K soldiers killed + 1.5M° wounded
    - downfall of the Liberal Party -> Labour Party
  • Representat° of ppl Act

    Same terms of voting for men & women (>21)
    -> 1929 elect° majority electors wr women, got nicknamed the "Flapper Elect°"
  • Rise of nazism

    • 1932: Nazi Party = largest pltcl party
    • 33: Hitler became Chancellor
    • 36: his forces occupied the demilitrzd Rhineland Brit & Fr wtd avoid war (majority ppl voted in a Peace Ballot in favour of disarmament) = d't respond to expans°
  • The Schedule of Reserved Occupation

    Workers in key factories cldn't join army
  • Period: to

    Munich Crisis

    Htl annexed Austria & Czechoslovakia was next target (esp Sudetenland). Erp scarred of war which unprepared for
    - 26/09: Munich Conference with Brit, Fr, It, Ger, X Cz
    - 30/09: Munich Agreement = Sudetenland to be ceded to Ger in exchg of end of Ger territorial expans° When Chamberlain returned to Ldn, was welcmd as hero
  • Hitler persued expans°

    • March 1939: took rest of Cz
    • 25/08: military treaty of alliance btw End & Pol
  • Evacuat°

    3.5M° kids & women got evacuated to country sides from 06 to 09
    Brit divided into 3 zones: evacuat° areas (unsafe, might get targtd), recept° areas (safer), neutral areas
    Several issues:
    - shocking policy
    - emergency measure = organizational issues
    - clashes & prejudice btw social classes (most kids wr from poor)
    - relig°
    -> many children came back esp as by beginning 1940 were still in time of Phoney/Bor War
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    WW2 aka the People's War

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    3.5M° kids & women got evacuated to country sides
    Brit divided into 3 zones: evacuat° areas (unsafe, might get targtd), recept° areas (safer), neutral areas
    Several issues:
    - shocking policy
    - emergency measure = organizational issues
    - clashes & prejudice btw social classes (most kids wr from poor)
    - relig°
    -> many children came back esp as by beginning 1940 were still in time of Phoney/Bor War
  • War declared on Ger

    1/09: Ger troops moved into Poland
    The 2/09: heated debates in Hs of Commons
  • National Service Act

    National Service Act
    Passed by Ernest Bevin (Minister of Labr & Nat°l Service).
    Raised to 1.6 M° (while before had 400 000)
    All men btw 18-41. Men who couldn't join: medically unfit, conscientious objectors and workers in key industries
  • Period: to

    The Blitz

    +45 000 tones of bombs on Brit, attacked airfields, factories, infrastrctrs, strategic bombings (to disrupt product° & transport), civilians & their homes (to disrupt moral)
    UK defensive measures:
    - gaze masks wr distributed but unused
    - shelters: common shelters & private ones (Anderson Shltr or Morrison Shltr)
    - civil mobilizat°
    - starfish sites: decoy cities close to actual sites
  • Period: to

    Dunkirk - Operat° Dynamo

    = huge evacuat° operat° of Brit troops who had to retreat after Ger invas° of Fr. Had X boats so called upon the radio any boats (lk fishermen's). Went from Dunkirk to Douvre.
    Paradoxically remember it as a full success even tho they fled
  • Opearat° Sea Lion

    = Luftwaffe (Ger) attacked RAF (Brit) by air
    1/08/1940: Ger planes dropped leaflets unto Eng as Htl's strategy was for it to surrender without invas°, but they didn't accept
    From 15/09: Brit was clearly victorious even tho their bombers & pilotes wr outnumbered, but their pilotes cld be saved while Ger soldiers wr POW (Prisoners Of War)
  • The Essential Work Order

    Workers wrn't allwd to leave their jobs & cldn't be fired without consent of the Ministry of Labour
  • Conscript° of Women

    Conscript° of Women
    • 18-43
    • unmarried
    • children >14
    • cld join the Forces behind the fires (//WW1) -> 1943: 500 000 Many also joined munit° factories (1/3) & land army for agrcltr
  • D-Day

  • VE-Day

    Victory in Erp with surrending of Ge
  • VJ-Day

    Victory over Japan