Theodore Roosevelt is Born
Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City to his mother, Martha and his father, Theodore Roosevelt Sr. -
Anthracite Coal Strike
This strike took place in coal mines in Eastern Pennsylvania. Miners wanted higher wages and shorter work days. -
Yosemite under Federal Control
The Yosemite Grant was turned into a National Park in 1903 when President Roosevelt took a trip to the area and realized its beauty. -
Elkins Act passed
The Elkins Act prevented railroad companies from giving rebates to other businesses. -
Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge
The Pelican Island Refuge is a three-acre island off the coast of Florida that was the first wildlife refuge in the United States. -
Named President when McKinley is assassinated
Theodore Roosevelt was named president after President McKinley was assassinated. McKinley died 8 days after he was shot, and Roosevelt immediately became President. -
Wins first full term as President
Theodore Roosevelt won the election of 1904 with little competition. This was his first full term as President. -
Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act
The Pure Food and Drug Act prevented the sale of expired, spoiled, or unsafe meat in the United States and led to the creation of the FDA. -
Devil's Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument
Devil's Tower was named the first national monument. It is a butte likely made of igneous rock. -
Leaves Presidency, visits Africa
Theodore Roosevelt left his presidency to travel to Africa on a safari. He hunts and gathers wisdom from being on the open range. -
Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
Theodore Roosevelt ran for the Bull Moose Party when he lost the Republican nomination for the presidential campaign.