The Cold War

  • Tehran Conference

    Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.
    Discussed post-war Europe.
    Agreed to launch Operation Overlord.
    Commitment to USSR joining war against Japan after Germany's defeat.
  • Percentages Agreement

    Churchill and Stalin agree on the percentage each would get of the states that had been freed after WW2.
    - USSR: 90% of Romania + 50% Hungary.
    - UK: 90% of Greece + 50% Hungary.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing

  • Potsdam Conference

    Truman, Churchill (later Attlee) and Stalin.
    Discuss implementation of agreements at Yalta.
    Potsdam Declaration: ultimatum for the surrender of Japan.
    Confirmation of German disarmament and demilitarisation.
  • Yalta Conference

    Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.
    Discuss the division of Germany post-ww2 into 4 zones.
    Planned establishement of the UN.
    Stalin wants upper hand on Eastern Europe, but they agree to hold free elections.
  • WW2 ends

    Hitler commits suicide.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Leaders from France, USSR, UK and US meet to settle peace treaties.
  • Period: to

    Greek Civil War

    Communist-led uprising against the British government in Greece.
  • Kennan's Long Telegram

    Described the USSR as expansionist and opposed to the West.
    Proposed the policy of "containment" as the best strategy against the USSR.
    Became the foundation for Cold War policies.
    Influenced the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.
  • Churchill's Iron Curtain speech

    Talks about an iron curtain descending upon Europe separating the US and USSR.
  • Novikov Telegram

    Response to Kennan's Long Telegram.
    US seen as expanding its military and economic influence.
    Warned that the US was preparing for a war against the USSR.
    Justified the creation of a Soviet "buffer zone".
  • Cominform created

    Union of communist leaders worldwide to respond to the US economic imperialism and Marshall Plan.
    Zhdanov Doctrine was published after this.
  • Zhdanov Doctrine

    Declared that the world was divided into two camps (imperialist - US and democratic - USSR).
    Claimed that the US was using economic imperialism.
    Justified USSR control over Eastern Europe.
  • Bizonia created

    UK + US zones in Germany merge to form Bizonia.
  • Marshall Plan

    $13 billion given to 16 European countries to stabilise economies after WW2.
    70% was used by said countries to buy US goods.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Aimed at containing the spread of communism.
    Promised US economic aid to countries resisting communism.
    Marked the start of US containment policy.
  • New German Currency

    US introduces new German currency.