Discovery of medicinal effects of Benzedrine
Dr Charles Bradley administered Benzedrine sulfate
(an amphetamine) to problem children at a children's home. afterwards he noticed increased school performance and social interaction. this opens up a world of medicinal advancements to help people with ADHD. it encouraged amazing studies and discoveries that are still helping today(to) -
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Evolution of ADHD Treatments
Discover of Ritalin
in 1944, Ritalin was created. it was originally used as an anti depressant. it was then discovered to curve the symptoms of ADHD. the usage of ritalin allows the exploration and creative uses of other treatments to help with ADHD(Gunnerson) -
The use of Thorazine on ADHD Patience
Herbert Freed administered Thorazine to children with ADHD. The treatment mainly helped with behavioral problems rather than a full treatment option. This kind of medicine helped reduce the idea that people with ADHD were immoral and or less than human(Palmer and Finger) -
The National Institute of Mental Health provides Grants
in 1967, the NIMH provided multiple grants to help research the effects of Stimulant medication and its usage on people with ADHD. this financial aid helped improve the available medications and help for people who were suffering with ADHD due to ignorance.(Palmer and Finger) -
over use of ritalin
In 1970, a article was published stating that 10% of students were using Ritalinn to control their behavior. this created controversy over the diagnosis of ADHD and the use of stimulant medication. this over usage put a damper of the medical breakthroughs of the many scientist studying ADHD to help people who really needed it.(Palmer and Finger) -
Anti-Ritalin Movement
in 1975, a movement to ban Ritalin gains strength due to several books being published. the books reinforced that ADHD isn't a real diagnosis this made it much harder for people to get the help they needed because everyone was telling them it wasn't real.(Palmer and Finger) -
the DSM-III was published
the third version of the Diagnostics and statistics manual of Mental disorders was published and finally included attention deficit disorder. it also included the hyperactive version of ADD. this finally recognized ADD and ADHD as actual disordered and made it much harder for people to claim it didn't exist.(Palmer and Finger) -
Dr Russell Barkley Publishes his first book on ADHD
Dr Barkley published "hyperactive Children: a Handbook for diagnosis and treatment" Which is the first of many informational books on ADHD. this book was the beginning of Dr Russell Barkley's influence of how ADHD and the people with it are treated today.(Palmer and Finger) -
Dr Barkley begins publishing "The ADHD Report"
the ADHD Report is a newsletter that provided new and updated information on ADHD studies and treatments. it is a great source of ready information. making a wildly popular newsletter that offers tons of information for people who have ADHD or people who live with them was incredibly helpful.(Palmer and Finger) -
Discovery of Strattera
in 2002, Strattera was invented as a non stimulating ADHD medication. its also the only non stimulating ADHD medication that reduces ADHD symptoms. its incredibly cool that they developed a non stimulating medication for ADHD and how accurately it worked.(“First Non-Stimulant ADHD Medication Available in the United Kingdom | Eli Lilly and Company”)