Age Of Exploration Timeline Activity

By cccruz
  • 1500

    Pedro Alvares Claims Brazil For Portugal

    Pedro Alvares Claims Brazil For Portugal
    In 1500, Pedro Alvares who was a Portuguese navigator would land in Brazil's coast during his expedition to India. Pedro would claim Brazil territory for Portugal, establishing the foundation to Portugal's eventual colonial empire.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Age Of Exploration

  • 1507

    Martin Waldseemüller Names The "New World" America

    Martin Waldseemüller Names The "New World" America
    In 1507, German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller would name the newly discovered lands "America" after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci. Martin was the first of his time to name this new region "America" which influenced how continents and regions would be identified and named throughout history.
  • 1513

    Vasco Balboa Discovers The Pacific Ocean

    Vasco Balboa Discovers The Pacific Ocean
    In 1513, a Spanish explorer named Vasco Núñez de Balboa would become the first European to see the Pacific Ocean after crossing the Isthmus of Panama on his voyage. His discovery would prove that the New World contained a vast ocean on the west, this event would cause many other future expeditions.
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortes Lands In Mexico

    Hernan Cortes Lands In Mexico
    In 1529, a Spanish conquistador named Hernan Cortes would land in Mexico, that would set a Spanish conquest in motion in hopes of conquering the Aztec Empire. Hernan would successfully take down the Aztec civilization, reshaping the region and influencing the culture, language, and history of Mexico.
  • 1526

    Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Begins

    Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Begins
    In 1526, the Portuguese would be the first to initiate the Slave Trade, transported enslaved Africans to America to work on plantations. This would be the start of a new system that would fuel European economies.
  • 1532

    Francisco Pizarro Captures The Inca Empire

    Francisco Pizarro Captures The Inca Empire
    In 1532, Francisco Pizarro a Spanish conquistador would lead a conquest to take over the Inca Empire. Pizarro would capture the Emperor Atahualpa allowing the Spanish to rule for the first time in South America. Pizarro would colonize this region and spread European culture.
  • Dutch East India Company Is Founded

    Dutch East India Company Is Founded
    In 1602, the first multinational corporation would be founded under the name of "Dutch East India Company". The company's goal was to take control of established trade routes and monopolize spice trades within Southeast Asia.
  • 1607 Jamestown Founded

    1607 Jamestown Founded
    The English settled into Jamestown for these reasons because of locating wealth and expanding trade. They began to spread their religion which is Christianity and including European practices to the nearby Native American clans. Governmental growth had led to the making of a new colony and problems with native peoples.
  • Henry Hudson's Final voyage

    Henry Hudson's Final voyage
    Henry Hudson set out on his last expedition to find the Northwest Passage. After months of harsh conditions in Hudson Bay, his crew mutinied, setting him, his son, and a few loyal members adrift in a small boat. They were never seen again. This marked the tragic end of one of the most famous explorers of the Age of Exploration.
  • 1624 Dutch settle New Amsterdam

    1624 Dutch settle New Amsterdam
    Dutch pioneers conquered New Amsterdam as countries did their best to handle their riches by handling marketing and obtaining regions. European cultural growth extends out ideas, languages, beliefs, and customs to the very corners of the globe. Political rise involved the European strengths grasping other coasts and forming territories.
  • English Navigation Acts

    English Navigation Acts
    The English Navigation Acts were passed to strengthen England’s control over colonial trade. These laws required that goods be transported on English ships and limited trade with other nations. They played a huge role in enforcing mercantilism and increasing British dominance in global trade, while also contributing to tensions that later led to the American Revolution.
  • England Seizes New Amsterdam

    England Seizes New Amsterdam
    In 1665, England would seize New Amsterdam a Dutch colony that was located on the Southeastern coast of the United States. The English would rename New York after the Duke of York, ending Dutch influence across the region.
  • La Salle Claims Louisiana for France

    La Salle Claims Louisiana for France
    A French explorer named René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle would claim the region of Louisiana for France in 1682. By claiming this region La Salle would expand the French presence within North America.
  • 1700 Atlantic Slave trade peaks

    1700 Atlantic Slave trade peaks
    The Atlantic slave trade were part of European nations detaining and carrying enslaved Africans slaves to the citizens of the United states, giving hardships for European colonies, especially in farming. This marketing had drastically changed the global wealth, redesigning the relationships between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. It created a significant part of the improvement of the European colonial strengths and commerce routes.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Treaty of Utrecht
    The Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of the Spanish Succession and reshaped European colonial power. Britain gained key territories like Newfoundland, Acadia, and Gibraltar, expanding its influence. This treaty reinforced British naval dominance and set the stage for future conflicts over colonial expansion.
  • Seven years war

    Seven years war
    The Seven Years’ War officially started in 1756, but conflicts between British and French forces in North America began in 1754. Known as the French and Indian War in the colonies, it was a turning point that led to British dominance in North America. This war also contributed to growing colonial unrest, setting the stage for the American Revolution.
  • 1763 Treaty of Paris

    1763 Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris 1763 ended the Seven Years’ War between European powers and gave Britain control over large territories in North America. It shifted the balance of power in Europe and the Americas, leading to new colonial borders. This treaty set the stage for future conflicts and independence movements in the colonies.
  • James Cook Claims Australia For Britain

    James Cook Claims Australia For Britain
    In 1770, Captain James Cook would arrive in the Eastern coast of Australia during his voyage. Claiming this coast for Britain, initiating the beginning of British colonization in Australia. In the future, it would lead to the formation and growth of colonies, settlements, and establishments across the Australian coast.
  • First British Conflicts Arrive in Australia

    First British Conflicts Arrive in Australia
    Start of British Colonization would begin in 1788 after a group of British ships carrying convicts would land in Botany Bay.
  • Dutch East India Company Dissolves

    Dutch East India Company Dissolves
    In 1799, the Dutch East India Company was dissolved, after facing financial troubles, mismanagement, and increasing competition from other European powers.