E4 CW Confrontation and cooperation 1963-72

  • sino bmng of quemay and maksu

    this prvkd usa- angrdv ussr- detertng relat
    sinos didnt notify ussr
  • Period: to

    sino-sov relat deterior

    rise in tensions
    mao felt part as senior comm statesman not respctd
    accsd krsch of revisionism
  • sov sprt ind in bordr dispute

    sino-ind brdr dispute in which sov sprts ind, rise in tension and factor in deteriorating relat between sino-ussr
  • sov removed tech exprts

    rmvd tech support by rmving tech exprts from china in 1960
    deteriortng relat
  • oper ranch hand- kndy

    was in 1962, destry enmy covr in jungle, agnt orange and blue aswell as napalm
    poisoned 2.4 tectores - 6mill acres of sth viet land montagard- region between nrth and sth - ppl lost nearly 1/5 of population= 85% of pop had to be resettled
  • Lyndon B Johnson president

    president in 1963 after kndy assinated
  • nuke countries

    fr, ussr, usa, gbr,
    kndy wanted it to remain this way,
    didn't bcuz china made nukes in 1964
  • washingtn-moscw hot line

    in june 1963
    direct comm line set up, unprecdntd act of time, before they had to go through nb of exchngs b4 two can convrse.
    was more symbolic, was not used until lyndon b jhns- tellin sovs he was consdrng sendng trps to israel. available 24/7
  • kndy report

    done by nsc-net evaluation subcomittee, did an account of what would have hppnd if nuke war, neither ussr nor usa could emerge from war without severe damage and high casualties.
    there would be 93 million causalties in case of war.
    report acknwld ussr aware of conseq
  • moscow test ban treaty aug 1963

    aug 1963
    initally prpsd by sovs in 1950s, krschv and kndy negotns yrs ltr.
    agrd on ways in which nuke test would occur, not in sea, not in space and not in atmosphere- didnt include underground so it could just be mistaken for an earthquake.
    ussr, usa, uk sign
  • kndy assntd 22 nov 1963

    by lee oswald, who was then assntd 2 days later
  • sino ask sov for siberian territories back

    deepn the divide between the two countries
  • OPLAN 34A

    implmtd by Lydn B jhns 1964- psychological warfare- leaflets and radio broadcasts aimed at inflitrating north vietnamese life, lower morale and support
    covert militry program, sabotage nrth vietnamese basese, maritime raids, done by south commandos trained by CIA and later by the usa army, try cather reconaissance and information on the north vietnamese
  • prsdnt lyd b jhns policies for 1964 elect

    not americns war, continue counterinsurg
    incrs troops 16,300 to 23,300
    quick victry
  • Period: to

    china aid for nrth viet

    dec 1964- 80,000 guns gvn
  • gulf of tonkin resolution 1964

    usa army vessel was alledgedly attcked by torpedos by nrth viet. so gulf of tnkn passed where johnson could respond with any measure he saw fit without even having to consult congress.
  • malinovsky incident

    a soviet defense minister said to a chinese
    delegate that china should get rid of mao like ussr got rid of krchsv.
  • ussr propse meet china and viet

    1965, dvlp cllctv response to usa escal of war- china resist, meetng nvr took place.
    mao want nrth viet to be dpnd on china
    ussr propse to establ military base in sth china brd- protct sino-viet brd against usa- seen as ussr agrs and expansion- ussr a threat to china.
    wantd to station 12 MIG-21 fghtrs
  • 1st usa troops in vietnam 1965

    first troops came in march 1965
    by July 1965 there were already 75,000
  • pleiku attacks 1965

    when nrth viet attack army baracks and us helicopter base.
    jhns rspnd oper rllng thunder
  • danang 1965 us troops arrive

    in march (danang is on the coast of the south china sea of vietnam)
    north give 4 point plan- us trps out viet
    no sth no nrth to make alliance while dvd
    pcfl unif done by nth and sth
    sth affairs stld by sth
    jhns rjct fear untd undr com state
  • operation rolling thunder 1965

    bmbings from 1965 to 1968 was as a response to the pleiku attcks,
    mrkd americanisation of war
    b-52 bmbrs
    671 mill tons supplies arrive sth viet each mnth
  • Ia drang valley nov 1965

    nrth and sth battle/ engagmnt-
    Ia drang valley central highlnd
    usa 200 dead, nrth 2000-3000 win for bth
    nrth keep pos
    usa-high enem dth
  • john hopkin uni baltimore

    ny times- about johnson speech 7 april 65,
    hopkin said ' a policy usa proud of'
  • jhns public announc incrs mltry involv in viet

    28 july 1965
    sent 2 batallions, air sqdrns, 20,000 trps
  • cultural revolution 1966

    was a revltn by mao- wantng to return to the prncpls of his initial revol- idntfy ideal deviants.- a rise against enemies of the revolution!
    red guards 9-18 yr olds who led rev. attack anythng west or captlstc.
    burnd sov embassy down- attackd by a 16yr old girl
  • ussr troops mongolia and kazakhstan

    in feb 1967- hostility
    brezhnv in speech- buildn g up defnc on eastern frontiers limits danger of confrontation.
  • Period: to

    nguyen van thieu ldr of sth viet

    overthrew diem
    from 1967-1975
  • action programme 1968- czckslvk

    bsc freedom of movmnt, speech
    recogn israel, open trvl to west.
    econ needs made on consumer demand not gov trgts.
    comm major prty but allow KAN- non commtd party mbs. club k231 made for former political prisonrs.
  • paris peace tlks

    prbls of who reprsnt at tble, would nrth viet get a say
    may 1968 strt- oct theres stalemate
    jhns hve to stp full bmb of viet, reluctant thought nth not fully commitd to this.
    would continue for 5 years until signing on 27 january 1973
  • Czechoslovakia crisis 1968

    czeckslv prosprty until 1963- ngtv grwth rcrd
    made them re-think relat with sov and comm
  • prague spring 1968

    party ldr removed and rplcd with dubcek who was more reformist.( not what ussr intended)
    wantd new start to socialism.
    eliminatd press censorshp- crtq by kadar hung and honnckr east ger, sprd to their countries -fears.
    wantd to open relat with west, recogn isrl,
  • brezhnv doctrine 1968

    gave speech to pol party congr nov 1968
    countires have the right to reforms but not to change comm in country or to thrtn socialism in other country,
    specifc of what deviating from comm leads to
  • nuke non-prolif treaty july 1968

    kndy stp nukes but continue slbs and icbs and strngthn defense
    abms- change game, can intercept and make nukes not effectv
    ussr reluctant to involv abms in negotiations
    usa devlp mirvs, abms no longer effctv, sovs came to table. treaty state not give nukes to no nuke countires, nor give info on how to dvlp these. nor seek such tech
    most countries in UN became signatories.
    fr and china not sign formally unitll 1990 but hintedd in 1968 that they would abide by these rules
  • warsaw letter july 1968

    sent from mbs of warsaw pact tllng czeckslv theyre worriec about reforms and what it means for the grt comm sphere and world., could lead to socialist divide and so will not be tolerated.
  • usa actve try talk wiith china

    after sino-sov relat deteriorate, usa realise can benef tremendsly from sino-us relat- start trying in 1968
    impose the artichoke response, slowly gvng concessions/ relations with sinos, peel of slowly
  • Period: to

    ARVN size increase

    from 82,000 soldiers in 1968 to 1 million in 1970
  • tet offnsv

    30 jan 1968(lunar new year, national holiday) usually involve no fighting , showd us weakness and might of nrth
    ultimate loss fron nrth- not as much sprt from south as they thought. 25,000 vietcng killed, 5000 captrd
    walter cronkite-war correspndt- podcst tet shw us defeat,
    try capture 100 cities, towns militry bases across sth vietn- spark popular uprising
    usa 550,000 frnd troops= mltry escal- shws failure
    westmorleland-army genrl- put enem on dfnsv.
  • sino-us relat 1st step july 1969

    usa- artichocke approach- gradual peeling of off restrictions
    usa remove trade contrl and trvl restr
    nb of diplomtc contacts thrgh fr, rom, pkn
  • beijing talks

    sep 1969, talks beijing reassure non side want war. mao still insecure.
  • nixon in office 1969 jan

    'peace with honour' us credibilty as glbl pwr
    vietnamstn of war
  • another chinese ambush

    aug 1969- and incident, westrn frontier
  • Period: to

    removal of us forces

    june 1969 543,000
    jan 1972 156,800
    june 1972 47,000
    shows vietnamisation of war
  • sov border patrol attckd by china

    china took on actv defence- sov agrsn, attck first as a mthd of deterence.
    2 march 1969
    sov patrol near zhenabo islands
  • widespread student protest may 1970

    1970 may against deeper involvement in sth east asia war
    campus of kent state uni of ohio, 4 students shot by us national guard
  • withdrawl of usa troops 1970

    150,000 usa troops withdrawn in 1970
  • operation menu

    under nixon, was when he invaded cambodia.
    hope to pressure nthviet to accp peace.
    cut of ho chi minh trails
    430,000 tons of bmbs dropped on cambodia, small country of 7.5 mill ppl, army rose 175,000 ppl- no match for khmer rouge.
  • communism in cambod

    prince sihanouk-overthrown by pro us general lon nol in 1970 and the khmer rouge, cambod comm prty gain support.
    usa cross border raids and 20,000 grnd troops to stop this
  • sino-usa relat etbl in warsaw

    sino- recogn ussr real thrt, PM zhou enlai msv vict against tho agnst sino-usa relat
  • Operation Lam son 719 =feb 1971

    launched in LAOS, allwd usa give air spprt to arvn troops who invaded laos.- us, bnd by congrss from sendng troops fllwng cambod incursion.
    only 30,000 arvn trps attkd and then qckly wthdrw.
    genrl thieu said that once 3000 casualties rchd to retreat so they only ever go halfway
  • gulf of tonkin resolution revoked

    revked by senate
    stp nixon's unlmtd pwr when it came to viet war
  • bombing continued in viet 1972

    150,000 tons of bmbs dropped may-oct 1972
  • nrth viet spring offensive

    was against south- arvn did well got 8,000 casualties,5x less than north.
  • operation linebacker I

    150,000 tons of bombs drpd on nrth viet abd bmb nrth troops who were in sth
  • ksngr 'peace is at hand'

    31 oct 1972
  • paris peace talk agrmnts 1973

    1972 clear to usa that viet objcts couldnt be fulfld through military.
    sth prsdnt nguyen van thieu determn keep US forces in country- rjctd all proposals if nor gurantee long term non-comm future for sth viet
    oct agrmnst rchd- sth not presnt at table
    ceasfire start 1973 jan
    60 days usa withdraw all troops
    free elect- event unify viet as one single state
  • usa support viet economic

    gave $1bill
    gave them to be 4th largest army in wrld
  • usa troops out viet

    by 1973 march
    left military adivsors and
  • watergate scandal

    nixon ( was a republican) prvd rto have bugged offcs of democr party and so was forced to resign in aug 1974
  • pop of vietnam

  • viet invd cambodia

    khmer rouge attack viet- cmbd border over frontier disputes
    25 dec 1978
  • fr continue nuke testinginto 90s

  • china nuke tstng until 1996