Gloria Fuertes García was a Spanish poet included in the Generation of 50, after the literary movement of the first post-war generation. -
Her mother death
When he was fifteen years old, his mother died. -
Canciones para niños, Madrid, Escuela Española/Songs for children, Madrid, Spanish School
Villancicos, Madrid, Magisterio Español/Carols, Madrid, Spanish Magisterium
Villancicos,Madrid Español -
Aurora, Brígida y Carlos, Barcelona, Lumen/Aurora, Brígida and Carlos, Barcelona, Lumen
Juan March de Literatura Infantil
Get a scholarship to study at this university -
El libro loco. De todo un poco, Madrid, Escuela Española/The crazy book. A little bit of everything, Madrid, Spanish School
Piopio Lope y el pollito miope, Madrid, Escuela Española/Piopio Lope and the myopic chick, Madrid, Spanish School
El perro que no sabía ladrar, Madrid, Escuela Española/The dog that did not know how to bark, Madrid, Spanish School
Coleta payasa, ¿qué pasa?, Valladolid, Miñón/Clown ponytail, what's wrong?, Valladolid, Miñón
El abecedario de don Hilario, Valladolid, Miñón/The alphabet of Don Hilario, Valladolid, Miñón
El pirata Mofeta y la jirafa coqueta, Madrid, Escuela Española/The pirate Skunk and the flirtatious giraffe, Madrid, Spanish School
Doña Pito Piturra, Madrid, Susaeta/Doña Pito Piturra, Madrid, Susaeta
Animales Geniales, Madrid, Escuela Española/Cool Animals, Madrid, Spanish School
Her death
He died from lung cancer