Der Judeenrat (The Jewish State) by Theodor Herzl
It heralded the coming of age of Zionism. -
First Zionist Congress
Period: to
Second Aliyah (after failed 1905 Russian revolution)
Mass wave of Jewish immigrants mainly from Russia to Ottoman Palestine -
Hussein-McMahon Correspondence
British promise that Arab territory of Ottoman Empire be returned to Arab sovereignty (except some areas in Lebanon and parts of Syria, but not Palestine, according to Arab interpretations) -
British-French Sykes-Pict Agreement
Secret Agreement that Palestine would be an international zone
- Palestine under British and French
- Syria under Arab state under French -
Balfour Declaration
The British expressed support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine -
British troops ender Palestine, set up provisional military government
Britain granted mandate over Palestine by League of Nations
- Strategic aim: Access to the Suez Canal and oil fields in Iraq
- Responsibility of managing political, administrative and economic economic conditions as well as safeguarding the civil and religious rights of al the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion
Period: to
Arab Revolt
first sustained violent uprising of Palestinian Arabs in more than a century. -
White Paper
Issued by the British government which agreed to the establishment of a Jewish national home within an independent Palestine by 1949. In the policy, Jewish immigration was limited to 75,000 people a year for five years and restrictions were also placed on how much land Jews could buy. The paper was rejected by Zionist groups in Palestine. -
Period: to
Arab Israeli War - first phase
Period: to
Arab Israeli War - First phase
Baldat al-Sheikh massacre
70 people killed -
Sa'sa' massacre
16 houses blown up, 60 people killed -
Deir Yassin massacre
110 men, women and children killed -
Period: to
Arab Israeli War - Second phase
War of Infiltration
Israeli-Egyptian armistice
Israeli-Lebanon agreement
Israeli-Transjordan agreement
Israeli-Syrian agreement
Fedayeen raids on Israel
19 killed, 31 injured -
Egypt Coup
Egypt’s monarchy was overthrown by the Free Officers -
Qibya raid
First major retaliatory strike on the Feyadeen (palestinian paramilitary groups) -
Nasser replaces Naguib to become leader of Egypt
group of Israeli agents in collaboration with Egyptian Jews tried to sabotage British and American property in Egypt in order to create discord between the Egyptian government and the West
Gaza raid
Egypt nationalises Suez Canal Company
Soviet issue about statement about motivations
First London Conference
Dulles plan - international board for the Suez Canal -
Soviet reject Dulles Plan
Second London Conference
Suez Canal Users Association -
Britain and France take Suez issue to UN Security Council
Sevres Protocol
Isreal invades Egypt
Great Britain and France vetoed a US resolution requesting Israel to withdraw its troops from Egyptian territory
Change of government in Syria
The rise to power of militant Ba'thisits resulted in increasingly hostile rhetoric at a time when already bad Syrian-Israeli border relations were deteriorating. -
Israel and Syria clashed in the Sea of Galilee
Egypt signs a mutual defence pact with Syria
boosted Syria confidence - but also increased Israels threat perception -
Israel and Syria engage in air battle over Syria
Soviet intellegience report
Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny told Nasser’s aide Anwar Sadat, who was on a visit to Moscow, that Israeli troops had mobilized and intended to invade Syria -
Egyptian troops moved into Sinai
Jordan joined the general mobilisation agreement
Nasser closes the straits of Tiran
Jordan signs a mutual defence agreement with Egypt
Israel attempts to negotiate the opening of the strats
Israel's national unity government was established
Israel launched its pre-emptive strike
Battle of West Bank ended - Israel captures East Jersulaem
Egypt agrees to a ceasefire with Israel
Syrian-Israeli fighting
Jordan and Egypt agreed to ceasefires
Sadat and Defence Minister General Ahmad Ismail Ali decided to go to war
assumption that the superpowers would prevent a complete military victory by either side -
Syria’s and Egypt’s armed forces were placed under joint command
Suprise attack by Egypt and Syria on Israel
Began the Yom Kippur War -
Syrian forces were repelled
Help from American airlift of military equipment combined with Israeli counter-offensives -
Israeli forces had crossed the Suez Canal
Kissinger fled to Moscow and drafted a ceasefire agreement with Communist Party Chairman Breznev
Ceasefire accepted
The last of the fighting
Soviet Union had put its own troops on alert and threatened intervention in order to relieve the Egyptian Third Army, which had been trapped.