4004 BCE
4004 BCE
Adam born
3874 BCE
Seth born
3769 BCE
Enosh born
3679 BCE
Kenan born
3609 BCE
Mahalalel born
3544 BCE
Jared born
3382 BCE
Enoch born
3317 BCE
Methuselah born
3130 BCE
Lamech born
3074 BCE
Adam's death
3017 BCE
Enoch taken by God
2962 BCE
Seth dies
2948 BCE
Noah born
2864 BCE
Enosh dies
2769 BCE
Kenan dies
2714 BCE
Mahalalel dies
2582 BCE
Jared dies
2353 BCE
Lamech dies
2348 BCE
Methuselah dies
2348 BCE
The Flood
2242 BCE
Tower of Babel
2140 BCE
Job born
1998 BCE
Noah dies
1996 BCE
Abraham born
1940 BCE
Job dies
1896 BCE
Isaac born
1836 BCE
Jacob born
1821 BCE
Abraham dies
1745 BCE
Joseph born
1716 BCE
Isaac dies
1689 BCE
Jacob dies
1635 BCE
Joseph dies
1571 BCE
Moses born
1491 BCE
1452 BCE
Moses dies
1451 BCE
Enter the Promised Land
Period: 1392 BCE to 1101 BCE
Period of the Judges
1095 BCE
Saul becomes king
1055 BCE
David becomes king
1015 BCE
Solomon becomes king
Period: 1000 BCE to 1 BCE
Kings and Captivity
975 BCE
Rehoboam becomes king of united Israel then Israel and Judah split
Period: 975 BCE to 586 BCE
Kingdom of Judah, ending in Babylonian captivity
Period: 975 BCE to 721 BCE
Kingdom of Israel, ending in Assyrian captivity
606 BCE
First Deportation to Babylon (Daniel 1)
536 BCE
Cyrus’ decree
515 BCE
467 BCE
454 BCE
441 BCE