
  • Rael’s Encounter with the Elohim

    Rael’s Encounter with the Elohim
    In 1974, Rael, also known as Claude Vorilhon, claimed to have met aliens called the Elohim, who said they created humans and gave him a message to share with the world.
  • Raelism Is Born

    Raelism Is Born
    On April 21, 1976, Rael officially started the Raelian movement, spreading the idea that humans were created by aliens and that science could lead to immortality.
  • The Book Which Tells the Truth Released

    On March 1, 1977, Rael published his first book, The Book Which Tells the Truth, explaining his encounter with the Elohim and laying out the beliefs of Raelism.
  • Raelism Goes Global

    Raelism Goes Global
    In the 1980s, the movement spread across Europe and North America as people became interested in Rael’s message about peace, science, and extraterrestrial life.
  • The Human Cloning Controversy

    The Human Cloning Controversy
    On December 27, 1997, Raelism claimed to have successfully cloned a human, sparking a media storm and bringing attention to the issues of cloning and genetic engineering.
  • Pushing for Cloning and Science

    In the early 2000s, Raelism promoted cloning and genetic engineering as key to achieving immortality and advancing human evolution.
  • Continued Growth and Modern Presence

    Continued Growth and Modern Presence
    Raelism continues to have followers worldwide, promoting beliefs about peace, and human evolution through scientific progress.