Period: to
Earth "07"
the important events for the existence of the L.A.B. UNIT of known information (more to come over time) -
Birth of Jericho Dour
the cold war reaches a new high between USSR and the US
Jericho joins the US ARMY
Jericho and Melody get married
L.A.B. Unit is put into practice
Jericho gets contracted by the CIA
Charlotte Dour is born
Charlotte takes internship in LAB UNIT
Jericho's confirmed disappearance
Charlottes official take over of the unit
Charlottes "incident"
classified information from shortly after her take over to her "first" major contract -
end of the "cold war"
the INGEN contract
Charlottes first major contract picked up from INGEN, an operation is put together known as "ECLIPSE CONTINGENCY" -
Russia's past failures catch up and take the EU with them
The past failures of the cold war catch up and send the EU RU and US into a spiral of events that would tarnish their economies for many many years -
EU and RU slowly become unlivable
for the next decade all of EU and RU push out of the country into neighboring countries, EU mostly coming to the americas -
Publicly Horizon is formed and put to practice
Black Tusk is officially founded
officially PMC become the military norm
PMC become the military norm publicly mostly due to Black Tusks many operations -
EU and RU become wastelands
the land is left to rot and so are its people who cant escape from the nuclear/unnatural occurrences that form with in the countries walls -
Canada and Saudi Arabia take a sudden shift
to save the planets rising poison problem to the land both countries decide to heavily focus on giving back to the earth both becoming large nature preserves/farms over time officially. Government of both become lighter but still present in a sense almost akin to park rangers. -
China becomes the new super power of the world
with america brought to its knees with the overwhelming immigration issue, countries start to pull ahead that arent afraid to say no -
companies start to pull the power of countries with ease
countries start to lose popularity as people begin to think the systems put in place do not work. pushing to listen to companies more in the end overtime -
a few large companies buy out canada
canada gets massive funding and massive advancements in small contained areas around the country -
The second great depression has officially been coined in the US
although the country fought to come to terms with its new people trying its best to keep nice. it eventually fell to its overpopulation and its economy was in a rapid downward spiral with no clear ability to fix it. -
NATO and the UN start to decline out of power/existence
with a rapidly changing moral scope around the world and uprise of company control NATO and the UN fall out of practice and or need -
A massive break through in Genetics is made
After decades of testing the very first "Hybrids" soon to be called "Beastkin" were produced and walking in choice countries -
"Beastkin" bought, sold, trained for work forces
mostly Japan and Canada start to mass produce "Beastkin" to use for work, selling to many companies around the world -
China slowly but surely takes over Japan
China over throws its neighboring countries including japan, turning it into a work force country -
President Rockard Traklin is sworn in
the us put a man in power with a strong plan for the future of the country with its massive new age immigrant problem -
LAB Unit takes contract involving Cartel wars
the complete flip from country to company loyalty
at this point the desperation of countries and their governments fall to bad practice, causing many people to put companies on pedestals. MOST people have lost faith and very few countries (US, CN, SOAM) are still able to cling on to hopes of the people -
Beastkin Ostinus is met by Charlotte and shortly after hired
Ostinus and Charlotte meet at the New York Stock Exchange, talk stories, and goals. Ostinus is offered a position high up in LAB as a CFO for his past experience. -
the official start of a new cold war
The NFFA is officially put into power
after 10 years of set up the systems are put in place and running as intended -
NFFA starts butting heads with the Federation
SOAM building its own strength at this point rivaling the US under the new culmination of the "Federation" starts butting heads with the NFFA when ideals conflict and lines are crossed -
Charlotte gains a Substantial contract with ALAVAST
she begins taking jobs with Alavast on her own -
Jackson is killed
an operation meant to retrieve Jackson leads to his death, his brain was still recovered -
Charlotte works deeper with ALAVAST involving her specialized teams
Vanguard and Vindictus are brought onto the contract with ALAVAST officially -
LAB Unit Black operations team enters Germany
Leads of stolen ALAVAST products are found in Germany, the team is sent in to retrieve/apprehend -
LAB Unit Black operations team clean sweeps Germany village
an oversite on the teams part leads to a missing member turned feral, orders to kill all witnesses was given -
LAB Unit Black Operations team enters Russia
On suspicion of black tusk and how they've been operating, Charlotte sends the team to start breaking down the infrastructure of BTSU and DARPA in Russia -
LAB Unit Black operations team finds substantial issue under Russia
with an attempt to get the remaining Russian Civilians on LAB Units side, the team stumbles upon a HUGE underground nest of mutated insects under the ground, missing their mark and later finding out it caused a massive outbreak from the shock of explosions. -
BTSU retreats from Russia and LAB Unit Chases
A key DARPA facility is destroyed and stolen from causing BTSU to leave the already barren wasteland that is Russia -
LAB Unit EU branch is sent in ahead of BO Team
to scout the situation in China with BTSU Black Operations sends the EU up ahead for INTEL -
LAB Unit EU is relocated to Alaska for further scouting
LAB EU is relocated to ALASKA after acquiring a new BTSU pilot since Black operations decided to move in on China, EU is tasked with finding out what BTSU is doing in Alaska. -
LAB UNIT's specialized teams enter China
Once the EU team discovered the Chinese government was in bed with BTSU, the black operations team move in to get DARPA and BTSU out of the way, a slow but sure coup has been started in china. -
LAB Unit Black Operation River Serpent
Black operations teams move in via rivers from the Russian boarder and secure the Baishan Dam in china just outside of Huadian and Jilin city -
LAB UNIT starts taking purge zone contracts
each month the unit gets involved in under the table work in the purge zones -
Mysterious contract from a local PD in Maine (CHASING SHADOWS)
a mysterious amount of unnatural readings are found following a call from a local PD in a small town in Maine, LAB unit (a decently sized team of infantry led by a Black operations member) is sent to investigate for fear of unnatural occurrences within the mysterious cloud covered town. -
LAB Unit team sent in for contract investigation vanishes
without warning they vanish off the face of the earth -
The LAB Unit team sent into the mysterious town returns
Suddenly dropping back into our world on a glacier in the Atlantic ocean, the team given the contract for the anomalous town reconnects to the K-9 network. Running to the nearest town after sailing to Iceland from the glacier, happening upon yet another anomalous tear infected town before getting extract.