Timeline María y Adriana

  • 100 BCE

    Epitafio de Seikilos

    Epitafio de Seikilos
    El Epitafio de Sícilo es la composición musical completa más antigua que se conserva actualmente. Y la composición musical nos cuenta estas sabias palabras: Mientras vivas, brilla, no sufras por nada en absoluto.
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Edad Media

  • 711

    Invasión árabe en la península Ibérica

  • 730

    Canto gregoriano

    Canto gregoriano
    El término canto gregoriano es un tipo de canto llano, simple, monódico y con una música supeditada al texto utilizado en la liturgia de la Iglesia católica.
  • 992

    Guido d´Arezzo

    Guido d´Arezzo
    Monje benedictino y teórico musical italiano que desarolló una forma de notación que indica la altura del sonido mediante líneas y espacios. También se inventó la primera escala musical basada en una composición suya.
  • 1089

    Hildelgard von Bingen

    Hildelgard von Bingen
    Hildegarda de Bingen fue una santa abadesa benedictina y polímata alemana, activa como compositora, escritora, filósofa, científica, naturalista, médica, mística, líder monacal y profetisa durante la plena Edad Media.​
  • 1135

    Bentart de Ventadorn

    Bentart de Ventadorn
    Fue un popular trovador, compositor y poeta provenzal. Es probablemente el trovador más conocido del estilo llamado trobar leu.​
  • 1150


    Compositor, poeta y profesor francés. En el año 1150 y hasta 1160 fue administrador de la catedral en París. En 1192 fue ordenado sacerdote en la Catedral Notre Dame de París.
  • Period: 1150 to 1309

    Ars Antiqua

    Música polifónica de un período no del todo concreto pero en todo caso anterior al siglo XIV, que se desarrolló de manera especialmente brillante en Francia y que tuvo como principal manifestación el motete politextual.
  • 1155


    Considerado el compositor más importante de la Escuela de Notre Dame de París, en la cual comenzó a gestarse el estilo polifónico.
  • 1197

    Gonzalo de Berceo

    Primer poeta castellano con nombre conocido. Fue clérigo y escribió Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora. Trata de 25 milagros de la Virgen.
  • 1199

    Alfonso X El Sabio

    Alfonso X El Sabio
    Alfonso X de Castilla, llamado el Sabio, fue el rey de la Corona de Castilla y de los demás reinos intitulados entre 1252 y 1284. Elaboró de su pluma las Cantigas de Santa María y varios otros versos, y también realizó un gran aporte a la lengua culta del momento en la corte del reino, el galaicoportugués. Pertenece a la edad Media.
  • 1200

    El Cantar del Mio Cid

    This is one of the most impostant works in the spanish literature. Its an anonymus poem of medieval imes tha tell us the story of a medieval hero, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar.
  • 1283

    Arcipreste de Hita

    Escritor español que perteneció al mester de clerecía del siglo XIV. Escribió la obra más representativa del mester de clerecía, el Libro de Buen Amor . Esta escrito en poesía y nos intenta advertir de los peligros del amor carnal frente al divino
  • 1300

    Guillaume de Machaut

    Guillaume de Machaut
    Guillaume de Machaut fue un clérigo, poeta y compositor medieval francés. Su proyección fue enorme y es históricamente el máximo representante del movimiento conocido como Ars nova, siendo considerado el más célebre compositor del siglo XIV. Contribuyó al desarrollo del motete y de la canción secular.
  • 1320

    Ars nova

    Ars nova
    Ars Nova (“arte nuevo”, en latín) es el título de un tratado que transmite las enseñanzas de Philippe de Vitry pero que se ha vuelto genérico para describir un periodo de composición musical y la música escrita durante ese periodo.
  • 1335

    Francesco Landini

    Francesco Landini
    Francesco Landini o Landino fue un compositor, organista, cantante, poeta, constructor de instrumentos y astrólogo italiano. Fue uno de los compositores más famosos y admirados de la segunda mitad del siglo XIV y sin duda el compositor más famoso en Italia.​​
  • Period: 1400 to


    El Renacimiento Musical fue un período histórico y cultural que se perpetuó desde finales del siglo XIV hasta el siglo XVII en Europa. Durante este tiempo, se produjo un gran avance en las artes, la ciencia y la literatura. Se caracterizó por querer renacer, es decir, volver a traer las costumbres grecolatinas antguas y por el humanismo.
  • 1401

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg
    Fue un orfebre alemán, inventor de la prensa de imprenta moderna con tipos móviles, hacia 1450.
  • 1458

    Juan del Encina

    Juan del Encina
    He was considered the father of the spanish drama and lyric theatre. he was also a composer of secular and sacred music.
  • 1479

    Jorge Manrique

    Escritor y poeta que se hizo famosa por sus Coplas a la muerte de su padre.
  • 1483

    Martín Lutero

    Martín Lutero
    He was a monk that started the Protestant Reformation and then lead to a new religion. Before this he wrote 95 tesis that criticized the Church corruption. This affected music. In their compositions, the used German so the faithful could understand .
  • 1500

    Cristóbal de Morales

    Cristóbal de Morales
    Cristóbal de Morales sacerdote católico español y maestro de capilla siendo el principal representante de la escuela polifonista andaluza y uno de los tres grandes, junto a Tomás Luis de Victoria y Francisco Guerrero, de la composición polifónica española del Renacimiento.
  • 1510

    Antonio de Cabezón

    Antonio de Cabezón
    Antonio de Cabezón fue un organista, arpista y compositor español del Renacimiento.
  • 1525

    Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

    Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
    Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina fue un compositor italiano renacentista de música sacra y el representante más conocido de la Escuela romana de composición musical del siglo XVI.​
  • 1532

    Orlando di Lasso

    Orlando di Lasso
    Fue un compositor francoflamenco del Renacimiento tardío. Junto con Palestrina y Victoria, está considerado como uno de los compositores más influyentes del siglo XVI.
  • 1533

    Andrea Gabrieli

    Andrea Gabrieli
    He was an italian composer and organist that composed sacred and instrumental music like motets, madrigals and canzonas. He was from the italia school and he influenced a lot of composers like his nephew.
  • 1544

    Maddalena Casulana

    Maddalena Casulana
    She was the first woman that had her music published in a book. She was an italian composer and singer that composed madrigals.
  • 1548

    Tomás Luis de Victoria

    Tomás Luis de Victoria
    Fue un compositor francoflamenco del Renacimiento tardío. Junto con Palestrina y Victoria, está considerado como uno de los compositores más influyentes del siglo XVI.
  • 1557

    Giovanni Gabrieli

    Giovanni Gabrieli
    He was Andrea Gabrieli´s nephew. Like him, he was also a composer and organist of the italian school. He was a really important composer from Venice.
  • 1564

    William Shakeapeare

    He is consedered the most important writer in english. He was also a poet and an actor and his most famous work is Romeo and Julliet
  • 1566

    Carlo Gesualdo

    Carlo Gesualdo
    He was the most important composer of the madrigals. He was from Italy and he had a very dark life but his compositions were considered incredible.
  • Period: to


    Es un periodo artístico en el que cada país adquirió su propia identidad artística. El poder seguía estando en manos de la monarquía, la aristocracia y la Iglesia, de estos salieron los mejores compositores.
  • Claudio Monteverdi

    Claudio Monteverdi
    He is the most representative composer of opera in Italy. His most important compositions are La Favole d´Órfeo. He was born in 1567 but he belongs to the Baroque era.
  • Giacomo Carissimi

    Giacomo Carissimi
    This italian composer is one of the greatest composers in this era. He is known for his oratorios and secular cantatas.
  • Barbara Strozzi

    Barbara Strozzi
    She was an italian singer and composer. She wrote cantatas, solos and madrigals and she was known for her unique voice. She used her own poetry for her compositions. In her creations she talked about love and female empowerment. She faced a lot of challeges as a female composer but she is now celebrated for her music and voice.
  • Stradivarius

    He was an italian sting instrument maker known for its amazing skills creating th finests and most expensive viloins in the world.
  • Henry Purcel

    Henry Purcel
    He was an english composer who composed operas, sacred choral works and instrumental music. He combined English style with European Baroque styles creaing unique music.
  • Antonio Vivaldi

    Antonio Vivaldi
    He was one of the greatest composers iof the Barroque. His most known composition is Las cuatro estaciones.
  • George Philip Teleman

    George Philip Teleman
    He is a German composer that composed secular and sacred music but he was known more for his church compositions. He self-taught himself to play several instrumets and he composed his first opera at 12 years old.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    Johann Sebastian Bach
    He is one of the best composers and musicians in the history of music. He is from Germany and he composed music from different genres. One of his famous works are Passions and the Brandenburg Concertos.
  • Georg Friedrich Bach

    Georg Friedrich Bach
    German composer and musician most known for Messiah, the oratorio. In it we can find one of the most famous chorus of all time, Hallelujah. This composition in particular, has never stopped been played since Bach composed it.
  • Christoph Willibald Gluck

    Christoph Willibald Gluck
    Christoph Willibald was a composer of Italian and French opera in the early classical period. Born in the Upper Palatinate and raised in Bohemia, he gained prominence at the Habsburg court in Vienna. There he brought about the practical reform of opera's dramaturgical practices for which many intellectuals had been campaigning. Gluck introduced more drama by using orchestral recitative and cutting the usually long da capo aria. His later operas have half the length of a typical baroque opera.
  • Joseph Haydn

    Joseph Haydn
    ranz Joseph Haydn(1732 – 31 May 1809) was an Austrian composer of the Classical period. He was instrumental in the development of chamber music such as the string quartet and piano trio. His contributions to musical form have led him to be called "Father of the Symphony" and "Father of the String quartet".
  • Period: to


    The classical period falls between the Baroque and Romantic periods. Classical music has a lighter, clearer texture than Baroque music but a more varying use of musical form, which is, in simpler terms, the rhythm and organization of any given piece of music. It is mainly homophonic, using a clear melody line over a subordinate chordal accompaniment, but counterpoint was by no means forgotten, especially in liturgical vocal music and, later in the period, secular instrumental music.
  • Maria Anna Mozart

    Maria Anna Mozart
    Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia "Marianne" Mozart (30 July 1751 – 29 October 1829), nicknamed Nannerl, was a highly regarded musician from Salzburg, Austria. In her childhood, she developed into an outstanding keyboard player under the tutelage of her father Leopold. She became a celebrated child prodigy and went on concert tours through much of Europe with her parents and her younger brother Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. She is known to have composed works of music, though no manuscripts survive.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period. Despite his short life, his rapid pace of composition and proficiency from an early age resulted in more than 800 works representing virtually every Western classical genre of his time. Many of these compositions are acknowledged as pinnacles of the symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral repertoires. Mozart is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of Western music.
  • Maria Theresia von Paradis

    Maria Theresia von Paradis
    Maria Theresia von Paradis (May 15, 1759 – February 1, 1824) was an Austrian musician and composer who lost her sight at an early age, and for whom her close friend Mozart may have written his Piano Concerto No. 18 in B-flat major. She was also in contact with Salieri, Haydn, and Gluck.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven

    Ludwig van Beethoven
    Ludwig van Beethoven (baptised 17 December 1770 – 26 March 1827) was a German composer and pianist. He is one of the most revered figures in the history of Western music; his works rank among the most performed of the classical music repertoire and span the transition from the Classical period to the Romantic era in classical music.
  • Gioachino Rossini

    Gioachino Rossini
    GioachinoAntonio Rossini (29 February 1792 – 13 November 1868) was an Italian composer who gained fame for his 39 operas, although he also wrote many songs, some chamber music and piano pieces and some sacred music. He set new standards for both comic and serious opera before retiring from large-scale composition while still in his thirties, at the height of his popularity.
  • Franz Schubert

    Franz Schubert
    Franz Peter Schubert ( 31 January 1797 – 19 November 1828) was an Austrian composer of the late Classical and early Romantic eras. Despite his short life, Schubert left behind a vast oeuvre, including more than 600 Lieder (art songs in German) and other vocal works, seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music, and a large body of piano and chamber music.
  • Period: to

    The Romaticism

    Composers break free from classical structures and emphasis on emotion, individualism and freedom.
  • Hector Berlioz

    Hector Berlioz
    Louis-Hector Berlioz (11 December 1803 – 8 March 1869) was a French Romantic composer and conductor. His output includes orchestral works such as the Symphonie fantastique and Harold in Italy, choral pieces including the Requiem and L'Enfance du Christ, his three operas Benvenuto Cellini, Les Troyens and Béatrice et Bénédict, and works of hybrid genres such as the "dramatic symphony" Roméo et Juliette and the "dramatic legend" La Damnation de Faust.
  • Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

    Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
    Felix Mendelssohn (born February 3, 1809, Hamburg [Germany]—died November 4, 1847, Leipzig) was a German composer, pianist, musical conductor, and teacher, one of the most-celebrated figures of the early Romantic period.
  • Frédéric Chopin

    Frédéric Chopin
    Frédéric François Chopin was a Polish composer and virtuoso pianist of the Romantic period, who wrote primarily for solo piano. He has maintained worldwide renown as a leading musician of his era, one whose "poetic genius was based on a professional technique that was without equal in his generation".
  • Robert Schumann

    Robert Schumann
    Robert Schumann ( 8 June 1810 – 29 July 1856) was a German composer, pianist, and music critic of the early Romantic era. He composed in all the main musical genres of the time, writing for solo piano, voice and piano, chamber groups, orchestra, choir and the opera. His works typify the spirit of the Romantic era in German music.
  • Franz listz

    Franz listz
    Franz Liszt (22 October 1811 – 31 July 1886) was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor and teacher of the Romantic period. With a diverse body of work spanning more than six decades, he is considered to be one of the most prolific and influential composers of his era, and his piano works continue to be widely performed and recorded
  • Richard Wagner

    Richard Wagner
    Wilhelm Richard Wagner (/22 May 1813 – 13 February 1883) was a German composer, theatre director, essayist, and conductor who is chiefly known for his operas (or, as some of his mature works were later known, "music dramas").
  • Giuseppe Verdi

    Giuseppe Verdi
    Giuseppe Verdi was the major Italian musical dramatist of the nineteenth century, the successor to Bellini, Donizetti and Rossini. Along with Wagner, he was the most important opera composer of the period and received national and international recognition for his powerful stage works.
  • Manuel de Falla

    Manuel de Falla
    A famous Spanish composer known for his incorporation of Spanish folk music into classical compositions. "El amor brujo" and "La vida Verde" are some of his creations. He composed orchestral, piano and ballet music.
  • Clara Schumann

    Clara Schumann
    lara Josephine Schumann ( 13 September 1819 – 20 May 1896) was a German pianist, composer, and piano teacher. Regarded as one of the most distinguished pianists of the Romantic era, she exerted her influence over the course of a 61-year concert career, changing the format and repertoire of the piano recital by lessening the importance of purely virtuosic works. She also composed solo piano pieces, a Piano Concerto, chamber music, choral pieces, and songs.
  • Smetana

    He was from Czech Republic and he was called the father of Czech national music. He created a set od symphonic poems celebrating his country
  • Johannes Brahms

    Johannes Brahms
    Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist who wrote symphonies, concerti, chamber music, piano works, and choral compositions. Widely considered one the 19th century's greatest composers and one of the leading musicians of the Romantic era, Johannes Brahms was born May 7, 1833, in Hamburg, Germany.
  • Mussorgsky

    He was a Russians composer known for his expresive and dramatic music. He contributed on the development of Russians classical music. One of his works it is "Pictures at an Exibition"
  • Tchaikovsky

    He was a romanticism Russian composer most nkown for his famous ballets like "The Nutcracker" "Swan Lake" and "Sleeping Beauty". He also composed synphonies, operas, concertos and chamber music. He was a nacionalist composer and the most famous ballet composer of all time.
  • Dvorak

    Czech composer known for incorporating folk music into classical forms. He blended traditions with international styles.
  • Edward Grieg

    Edward Grieg
    Known for his nationalistic music, this Norwegian composer blended Norwegian folk melodies with romanticism.
  • Rimsky-Korsakov

    This famous Russian composer contributed to the development of russian clasical music. He composed orchestral music, synphonic suites and choral works.
  • Giacomo Puccini

    Giacomo Puccini
    Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria Puccini, ​ más conocido simplemente como Giacomo Puccini, fue un compositor italiano de ópera, considerado entre los más grandes, de fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX.​Fue un visionario, creador de los conceptos de música que regirían el cine durante el siglo XX.
  • Gustav Mahler

    Gustav Mahler
    Gustav Mahler fue un compositor y director de orquesta austro-bohemio cuyas obras se consideran, junto con las de Richard Strauss, las más importantes del posromanticismo. En la primera década del siglo XX, Gustav Mahler fue uno de los más importantes directores de orquesta y de ópera de su momento.
  • Hugo Wolf

    Hugo Wolf
    Hugo Filipp Jakob Wolf fue un compositor austríaco de origen esloveno, que vivió durante los años finales del siglo XIX en Viena. Entusiasta seguidor de Richard Wagner, se mezcló en las disputas existentes en Viena, por aquel entonces, entre wagnerianos y formalistas o brahmsianos.
  • Debussy

    French composer who was a leading figure in impressionism. He was and still is known for his amospheric and innovatie works like "Clair de Lune".
  • Jean Sibelius

    Jean Sibelius
    This Finnish composer is known for his symphonic works like "Finlandia", this became a symbol of Finnish nationalism.
  • Arnold Schönberg

    Arnold Schönberg
    Australian composer who developed the twelvw-tone tecnique. He composed orchestral works, chamber music and choral pieces.
  • Maurice Ravel

    Maurice Ravel
    He was a french composer known for his detailed and very rich orchestration. Two of his most famous pieces are "Boléro" and "Daphnis et Chloé". He composed orchestra music, piano pieces, chamber music and ballets.
  • Béla Bartók

    Béla Bartók
    Hugarian composer who incorporated folk music into classical compositions. He composed orchestral works, piano music and string quartets
  • Joaquín Turina

    Joaquín Turina
    He is a Spanish composer who incorporated Spanish folk traditions to classical music.He composed orchestral works, chamber music and piano pieces. Some of his creations are "La Oración del Torero" and " Sinfonía Sevillana".
  • Zoltán Kodály

    Zoltán Kodály
    HUngarian composer and music educator who was known for his choral music and contributions to music education.He composed orchestral works, choral piecesand folk music. One of his notable works is "Missa Brevis"
  • Igor Stravinsky

    Igor Stravinsky
    This Russian composer created innovative and diverse compositions. He composed ballet music, such as "The Firebird", orchestral works and chamber music.
  • Heitor Villa-Lobos

    Heitor Villa-Lobos
    He was a Brazilian composer who blended classical music with Brazilian folk. His most known work is a series called "Bachianas Brasileiras". With this proove, we can confirm he was a nationalist composer.
  • George Gershwin

    George Gershwin
    American composer known for blending classical music with jazz and popular styles. His most famous creations are "Rhaosody in Blue" and "Porgy and Bess"
  • Oliver Messiaen

    Oliver Messiaen
    He was a French composer who used compllex rhythms, bird songs and religious themes in his creations. He composed orchestral, piano and choral works.
  • Pierre Schaeffer

    Pierre Schaeffer
    He was a French composer and musicologist , known for pioneerind the genre of electonic music. He focused on using recorded sounds as raw material, musique concrète. One of his pieces is "Études de bruits ".
  • John Cage

    John Cage
    He was an American composer known for his pioneering work in experimental and avant-garde music. He composed works for piano, electronic music and unconventional sound structures.
  • Pierre Henry

    Pierre Henry
    He was a French composer and a leading figure in musique concréte. He was very innovating, using recorded sounds and electronic tecniques. A famous work of his is "La Guerre"
  • Philip Glass

    Philip Glass
    He is an American composer who had a minimalist music style. He composed operas, synphonies, chamber music and film scores. One of his works is "Glassworks"