The Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was after The American Revolution that passed laws to free enslaved. This compromise also freed certain states. -
15th Amendment
Granted Black African American ment the right to vote. -
14th Amendment
Gave Black people equal protection under the law. -
Plessy V. Ferguson
“Separate but equal” -
Executive Order 9981
President Harry Truman ended segregation in the US military. -
McCarran-Walter Act
Permitted Japanese immigrants to become citizens. -
Brown V. Board of Education
Supreme Court ruled “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. -
Murder of Emmet Till
14 year old Emmet Till was killed in Mississippi by two white men. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
13 month long protest in which African Americans refused to ride city buses. -
Rosa Parks Arrested
Rosa Parks arrested after refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. -
Little Rock School Integration Crisis
9 African American students harassed and kept from school building. -
The 1957 Civil RIghts Act
Created the independent US commission on Civil Rights. -
Sit-In Woolworths Lunch Counter
4 college student in Greensboro North Carolina refused to leave Woolworths counter. -
Freedom Riders
7 Black and 6 white activists on bus tour of the American South. -
Desegregation of Interstate Travel
Outlawed discriminatory seating practices on interstates. -
Birmingham Campaign
Multiple sit-ins and marches led by MLK in Birmingham. -
The Children’s Crusade
A non-violent protest in Birmingham that led JFK to pass Civil Rights Act of 1964. -
March on Washington
Largest non-violent civil rights the nation has ever seen, located in DC. “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed” - I have A Dream Speech, MLK. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, and sex. -
Malcom X Assassination
Malcom X assassinated in a rally. “If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary“ - Malcolm X -
The Selma Civil Rights march
Selma, Alabama attacked by state troopers and sheriffs. -
Bloody Sunday
600 Peaceful protesters beaten by police. -
Detroit Riot
Bloodiest of the urban riots. -
MLK Assassination
Martin Luther King Jr killed on his hotel room balcony, riots followed. -
Fair Housing Act
Prevented housing discrimination against African Americans.