Elijah Kirby is Born
Elijah Kirby is born in an emergency C-Section, which killed the mother, with his father having died 5 months prior fighting Covenant forces. He would go on to join the UNSC and, eventually, Pegasus Colonial Services, and became an important individual in Post-Oryndra Disaster conflicts. -
Linia Byrne is Born
Linia Byrne is born to Dr. Edward Mia Byrne. She would later go on to be a highly important individual in Post-Oryndra Disaster conflicts. -
Battle of Installation 00
Also known as the 'Ark Conflict', or by the UNSC as 'Operation: BLIND FAITH', the Battle of Installaion 00 was the final overarching battle of the Human-Covenant War. Notably, the one who would go on to form the highly influential humanitarian group, Pegasus Colonial Services, fought in this battle. Their actions during the battle warranted them an official pardon for previous crimes. However, most of their actions are redacted from the record. -
Pegasus Colonial Services is Founded
'Pegasus' founds the armed humanitarian group, Pegasus Colonial Services, following the conclusion of the Human-Covenant war. -
The Gelum Conflict
The 22nd RDF are deployed to Gelum to quell a large spike of crime, as well as investigate the disappearance of the ship 'Sundar Sarasvatee'. While there, they uncover the usage of Forerunner cloning technology, a device that Orca-4 was forced inside of after his capture. Although most of the clones from the Gelum conflict have been killed or captured, it is likely many still remain even years later as independent contractors. -
Period: to
Operation Harvest Blue
Operation Harvest Blue was a UNSC operation to quell a united Insurrectionist uprising on the Rosarian Peninsula. Warhound Company played a key role in dismantling the insurgency. During the operation, Warhound faced off against insurgent leader Lopotev, who managed to escape. Despite heavy casualties, the operation succeeded in halting the insurgency. Warhound's failure to capture Lopotev, and his achievements during the uprising, would go on to inspire Insurrectionist leaders galaxy-wide. -
UEG Awards Lopotev a Multi-Million Credit Bounty
With the manhunt for the orchestrator of the Rosarian Peninsula Insurrection still on the run, the UEG offer a multi-million credit award for anyone who may have information who could lead to his capture. The bounty goes unclaimed, and is still up for grabs even in Post-Oryndra times. -
New Phoenix Incident
The Ur-Didact activates the Composer above Earth, erasing roughly seven million citizens of the city of New Phoenix before his defeat by the Master Chief. -
Exit Strategy
Insurrectionist cells prepared to destroy key UNSC infrastructure on the island of Stratis in the Kryos system successfully conduct their operations. The small CMA-UNSC garrison is quickly overwhelmed. Warhound Company, who had covered the CMA's extraction, manage to take key remaining infrastructure and transmit a request for an expedited extraction. -
Project Lumina Scientist attempts to Leak Classified Info
Dr Keslova, an ONI REAP-X Researcher working on the highly classified 'Project Lumina', a project designed to uncover and understand various gravitational and slipspace anomalies on an even more classified planet, gets into contact with an Insurrectionist network and attempts to leak details of the project to the public. The leak is blocked, Keslova forced to go underground. The leak results in the shutdown of Project Lumina, although it is debated whether or not it actually did end. -
Period: to
Operation Sideswipe
Operation Sideswipe was an operation to suppress an Insurrectionist uprising on the planet Kryos-6, which Warhound Company deployed to. Their initial objective was to rescue an encircled PCS position, however their Pelican was downed and their pilot, Orca-4, injured. Improvising, they aided a nearby ONI team in achieving their goal to capture an HVT who could leak classified data. The operation resulted in heavy UNSC casualties. Intel suggested an insider leak on only Warhound's flight path. -
Project Lumina Team Arrives on Oryndra
The following description has been redacted. -
Period: to
The Oryndra Disaster
Quite possibly the most important event in post Human-Covenant War history. We have a responsibility understand why it happened."
- Greenlight, ONI Investigator assigned to the disaster. The Oryndra Disaster saw The Beam's first appearance, causing the disappearance of the 22nd RDF, an ONI team, and several million civilians. Warhound's efforts to analyze The Beam remain lost, with only partial data recovered from the site. It's the largest loss of human life since the Human-Covenant War. -
UEG Orders Evacuation of Oryndra
Exclusion Zone Declared on Oryndra
A 5000 square mile exclusion zone is enforced around ground zero of The Beam, as military and research personnel are authorised to step foot on the planet. -
Colonists Allowed to Return to Oryndra
The general evacuation order of Oryndra is removed, after the planet is deemed safe after a long period of normalcy. Although, the exclusion zone remains. Many colonists do not return, either out of fear or trauma of there being a second Beam. Oryndra, to this day, exists mostly as a scientific research site. -
Oryndra Disaster Research Commission is Founded
The UEG form the ODRC to centralize efforts to understand the events that took place on Oryndra. -
Construction on Oryndra Disaster Memorial is Complete
A large memorial dedicated to the millions lost in the Oryndra Disaster is completed on one of Oryndra's moons. -
UNSC Begins Trials of an Experimental D79-TC
As the UNSC's needs change, an experimental variant of the D79-TC Pelican begin. -
D. Evans is Killed in Test Flight Incident
D. Evans, not being present on Oryndra due to recovering from an injury sustained during Operation Sideswipe, was transferred to an experimental squadron once he was marked safe to resume service. While applying power in an experimental variant of the D79-TC Pelican, a catastrophic failure resulted in the detonation of a fuel line. The aircraft began to burn, with Evans still conscious inside. Unable to escape the cockpit, he was marked KIA after his corpse was removed from the wreckage. -
Edge Security Services is Founded
The private security group, Edge Security Services (ESS), is founded on Vidrio. It would go on to become a major player in conflicts related to the Exodus Accords. -
ONI Agent 'Greenlight' is Assigned to Research the Oryndra Disaster
2566 marks the first time 'Greenlight' is mentioned in official ONI documents, being assigned to research the Oryndra Disaster and the remnants of Project Lumina. He requests a squad's worth of members from the 2nd ODST Penal Batallion, seeing as the experimental group was soon to be disbanded, and is granted his request. -
A.I. 'Tendril' Is First Mentioned in ONI Documents
The AI 'Tendril' is first mentioned alongside operations with Greenlight and Sunrise. They are described as, 'a highly competent infiltration AI, with secondary medical related functions'. -
Elijah Kirby Enlists In The UNSC
Elijah Kirby joins up with the UNSC as a crewchief. Having a very successful career, he even saw combat on Sanghelios during a relief mission. -
Linia Byrne joins ONI
Linia, being orphaned by The Oryndra Disaster, spends the rest of her childhood raised by a coworker and friend of her father's. Using two connections from ONI, she is quickly offered a job opportunity in an unknown section of Naval Intelligence, where she quickly proves her worth as an analyst. -
A. Sven Joins the ESS
A. Sven, a highly regarded mercenary pilot, joins the ESS firm as a consultant and leader of a private experimental squadron. -
ONI Whistleblower Leaks Huge Amount of Classified Documents
After a decade of research on the Oryndra Disaster getting nowhere, an ONI Whistleblower personally affected by the disaster performs the biggest data breach in UEG history, leaking thousands of highly classified documents across the internet. The leaker, later named as Linia Byrne, proceeded to go underground and evaded UNSC capture for multiple years thanks to various Insurrectionist cells. She would go on to perform various breaches following the initial leak, all against the UEG. -
Gao & Venezia Form Stronger Ties
Sensing a change in tides, Gao Venezia, two outer-colonies mostly left alone by the UEG UNSC, form stronger relations. Gao begins supplying weaponry from Sevine Arms to Venezia, in exchange for various guarantees and political favors from Venezia. -
Elijah Kirby Joins the PCS
Kirby, being scouted by Pegasus himself for his actions on Sanghelios in his prior UNSC service, finds himself out of a job for all of five minutes. He is called by Pegasus himself, who offers to be his mentor, the opportunity for more combat then he ever saw in the UNSC, and a direct hand in humanitarian efforts alongside IDAP. He immediately takes the job. -
The Exodus Accords
Following reduced UEG support, CMA CPD corruption, information released during the ONI data leak and violent quelling of peaceful protests, a mass uprising took place across the majority of Outer Colony space. With operations supported and lead by Gao, any garrisons still loyal to the UEG were quickly squashed out, marking the beginnings of civil war. Months of bureaucracy result in an extremely slow UEG response, marking an extremely important victory for the soon-to-be Republic of Gao. -
Battle of Echelon Prime
An extremely important and defining moment of the Exodus Accords: The Battle of Echelon Prime, specifically within the city of Arcanis. An outer-colony with a heavy UNSC presence, it was the longest and bloodiest battle of the Exodus Accords. However, the most important detail comes from the mass-defection of UNSC personnel in the opening hours of fighting, causing an extremely chaotic brutal conflict. Eventually, the flag of the URG flew high in the skies, the UNSC pushed out of the system. -
G.I.M Whistleblower Leaks Various Classified Documents
Linia Byrne comes across something she doesn't like while working for the Gaoan Intelligence Ministry, and immediately leaks various files before attempting to pull another vanishing act. However, with no support like the last time, she is quickly backed into a corner. -
Pegasus Recruits Linia Byrne
Somehow, members of the PCS locate Linia before the pursuing G.I.M and ONI headhunters. The exact details are still mostly unknown, however it is mostly believed that Pegasus himself simply offered Linia a deal in exchange for her protection, which she quickly agreed to. She was given the callsign 'Tracker' and assigned to Pegasus' personal unit for special activites: 'Saber'. Officially, Linia is still missing. However, it's an open secret that she works with the PCS. -
Period: to
Invasion of Draconia
The UNSC push into URG territory by attempting to take control of the colony world of Draconia. After heavy fighting, the UNSC is unable to supply their forces planet side due to heavy URG naval presence in Draconia's orbit, forcing the UNSC to retreat. The planet, having been ravaged by a short but very brutal conflict, quickly turns to anarchy. -
Period: to
PCS arrive on Draconia
In conflict, we profit. That's our number one rule. That applies even to them.
- A. Sven, Edge Security Services With no luck from URG MPs, The United Republic of Gao signs a contract for a PCS Peacekeeping Humanitarian force to take over reconstruction operations on Draconia. The large deployment include Elijah Kirby, Linia 'Tracker' Byrne Pegasus' personal unit, Saber, who had been deployed there due to a lack of recent activity requiring them to be deployed for their usual operations. -
PCS Face Heavy Casualties, Draconia Locked Down
The PCS are attacked and pushed back by an unknown organised force for unknown reasons. With most command staff KIA and Tracker taken prisoner, Elijah Kirby takes command of operations and sets up a safehouse for PCS forces to regroup, with the intention of finding a way to contact PCS HIGHCOM. -
Edward Byrne Appears on Draconia
Dr. Edward Byrne, who had been with Warhound when The Oryndra Disaster occured, suddenly appears on Draconia. He wisely stays out of sight, out of mind. Setting up various safehouses as he tries to figure out the situation. -
22nd RDF, 'Warhound', Appear on Draconia
Warhound Company, who was present on Oryndra, suddenly appear on Draconia. Following the sound of gunfire, they rescue a pinned down PCS recon team. As thanks, the team takes them back to the PCS safehouse, where Warhound meets with Kirby and explains their situation. Kirby in turn notifies them that they are 16 years in the future. With Warhound's equipment out of date and malfunctioning, Kirby assigns them the cover name of 'Warhound Mercenary Services' and welcomes them into the fold. -
Warhound Destroy Hostile Jamming Network
With the PCS being subject to a nearby jammer, Warhound quickly volunteers to prove their worth by destroying it. Nicknaming their enemies 'Anarchists', Warhound easily destroy the jammers. However, some quickly find out a very, very important fact.. They cannot die. For every time their heart fails, they feel as if they are dropped into a dark ocean, when they are quickly and suddenly pulled back into the light of life, with an overwhelming feeling that something was taken from them.. -
Warhound Rescue Tracker
Following intercepted communications, thanks to Warhound's activities with the PCS over their short partnership, Kirby hears talk of Tracker being held in a nearby prison. Being VERY focused on the idea of saving Linia, Kirby sends Warhound with their immortality-esque abilities to extract her. Stealing two amphibious APCs, Warhound invade the island prison, rescuing Tracker and shooting down an ace for Edge Security Services, Talon-1, who yells that 'The Hornet will have your head for this!' -
The 22nd Take Control of Anarchist Comms Infrastructure
Tracker wants to thank her saviours. Kirby wants to leave Draconia ASAP. The two of them come together to come up with a plan: Highjack the Anarchist comms infrastructure. Warhound roll out with Tracker as support, pushing into dark zones on their maps as they take control of vital Anarchist transmitters. It's there that nire well-armed infantry appear: Edge Security Services mercs. Kirby tell Warhound that the ESS is a mercenary outfit, but why they're working with the Anarchists is unknown.. -
Warhound Locate Byrne
Tracker calls upon Warhound in the dead of night to conduct a clandestine operation, outside of Kirby's knowledge. The objective? Locate the ONI Agent who's safehouses the 22nd keep coming across: Dr. Edward Byrne. After various engagements behind enemy lines, Byrne is found, but heavily injured. With Linia not wanting Kirby to know about Warhound's mission, she orders them to find boats and head east to a rumored, highly skilled doctor who could help him. Meanwhile, visions plague Warhound.. -
Byrne is Treated
Despite the difficulty, the doctor is located. As sunrise approaches, Byrne appears to be in a stable condition. Kirby had woken up, extremely pissed off that Warhound was missing. After chewing out Linia, Saber was sent to assist, who rigged up a Pelican for the 22nd's extract. While escaping, a brief fight with a yellow-striped Witherwing ensued: The Hornet, Sven. He remarks that the pilot in charge of the Pelican had a familiar flying style, backing off and leaving Warhound.. For now. -
The 22nd Receive Encryption Codes
Kirby, angered at Linia and the 22nd for acting on their own, sent the team to a boring duty: Defending a URG port with a single destroyer: Destroyer 34. However, the port almost immediately comes under attack as Anarchists seek to stomp out Warhound forever. They are no match for Warhound's invincibility however, with the 22nd pushing them and rendering the area secure within 3km. As a reward, D-34's crew give Warhound an encryption key to send a message through the URG comms blockade above. -
Saber Capture Baker's Middleman [HORN OF THE PEGASUS]
Saber deploy to attack various key Anarchist infrastructure to secure Warhound's flank. However, with a momentum they didn't expect, Saber is able to push all the way to the airfield just on the outskirts of the city Warhound is fighting in. While there, they find the middleman for the man they'd been chasing, Baker, attempting to escape. Quickly apprehending him, it seems like a flawless victory for Saber and the 22nd. That is, until a bright flash of white and orange pours from the city.. -
Warhound Escape Dracoina [SOL ORTUS]
Deciding to follow Byrne's idea to contact ONI over the PCS Command, Warhound move into urban hell to secure a transmitter powerful enough to transmit their key. They succeed, getting into contact with 'Sunrise', a nearby ONI team. Meeting up, Sunrise give the 22nd a small-yield nuclear device to draw URG attention to the planet, allowing them to slip through. The 22nd detonate the device without notifying the PCS, effectively faking their deaths, and disappear with Sunrise towards Vidrio.. -